Number the Stars Vocabulary Chapters 9-12
Rhythmically ( rhyth·mi·cal·ly) Pg 74 Adverb With a regularly recurring pattern or beat as in music or poetry
Urgency ( ur·gen·cy ) Pg 81 Noun Requiring immediate attention; necessity; need
Typhus ( ty·phus ) Pg 85 Noun Infectious disease
Pride (prīd) Pg 93 Noun Confidence in yourself
Unfamiliar ( un·fa·mil·iar ) Pg 87 Adjective Strange or foreign; unusual; not acquainted with
Mourning ( mourn·ing) Pg 77 Noun or verb Weep; cry; expression of grief
Staccato ( stuh-kah-toh) Pg 83 Noun, adjective, adverb Shortened or detached when played or sung
Godspeed ( God·speed ) Pg 93 Noun Success or good fortune; luck
Exhausted ( ex·haust·ed) Pg 98 Adjective, verb Worn out; tired; drained of energy
Surge ( surj ) Pg 82 Verb, noun A sudden rush or forward movement
Hearse ( Hurs) Pg 77 Noun a vehicle for conveying a dead person to the place of burial
Doze ( dōz) Pg 83 Noun, verb To sleep lightly; a short, light sleep
Recurring ( re·cur·ring ) Pg 83 Adjective, verb Occurring or appearing again; To return to one's attention or memory
Condescending ( kon-duh-sen-ding) Pg 84 Adjective Displaying a superior attitude
Psalm ( sahm) Pg 86 Noun A sacred song, hymn, or prayer