LIC’s Jeevan Vriddhi Plan No. 808
LIC’s Jeevan Vriddhi (Plan no. 808) Features Single premium Non-Linked Plan Limited Period Offer i.e. Close Ended Plan Plan Term is 10 Years only Maturity Benefit Guaranteed Maturity SA + Loyalty Addition, if any Death Benefit Basic Sum Assured*
Why Vriddhi ? How ?? Guaranteed Returns at Maturity Ideal combination of Insurance & High Returns High Risk Cover – 5 times the Premium (free) Returns free of Market Fluctuations SP : Pay once & Enjoy Easy Liquidity – Avail loan facility Higher Returns for Higher SP Higher Returns for Youngsters SUC--- STAND ALONE JUST LIKE J. ASTHA
Jeevan Vriddhi (Plan no. 808) Eligibility conditions Mode rebate Tabular Premium (TP) Yly2% TPHly1% TP ParticularsMinimumMaximum Age At Entry08 Years50 Years Premium ModeSINGLE Term10 Years Single Premium Rs.30,000/-Onwards in Multiples of Rs.1000/- S.A. Rs.1,50,000NO LIMIT OthersService Tax as per rules.
Bank Fixed Deposits Bank> 5 Yrs. Allahabad Bank8.50 Andhra Bank9.00 Axis Bank8.50 Bank of Baroda8.50 Bank of Maharashra 9.00 Bank> 5 Yrs. Dena Bank8.75 HDFC Bank8.25 ICICI Bank8.75 PNB9.00 State Bank of India9.25
Jeevan Vriddhi : Return on Investment of Rs.1 lac Amount of InvestmentRs.1,00,000 Total return on Maturity after 10 yrs.Rs.2,24,855 Yield8.44% Simple Interest12.49% Risk CoverRs.5,00,000 Yield – Post Tax Return ( Tax Slab 10%) 9.59% Yield – Post Tax Return ( Tax Slab 20%) 10.89% Yield – Post Tax Return ( Tax Slab 30%) 12.38%
LOYALTY ADDITION Loyalty Addition payable shall be based on the GUARANTEED MATURITY SUM ASSURED (GMSA)
Loyalty Addition Declared : PlanTermLA Bal Vidya11Rs.250/- Bima Nivesh10Rs.100/- Komal Jeevan10Rs.65/- New Jeevan Shree10Rs.130/-
Loyalty Addition Declared :
J.Vriddhi as a Guranteed RD Deposit MonthYearAmount APRIL20111,00,000 MAY20111,00,000 JUNE20111,00,000 JULY20111,00,000 AUGUST20111,00,000 SEPTEMBER20111,00,000 OCTOBER20111,00,000 NOVEMBER20111,00,000 DECEMBER20111,00,000 JANUARY20121,00,000 FEBRUARY20121,00,000 MARCH20121,00,000 TOTAL12,00,000 MonthYearAmount APRIL20212,25,000 MAY20212,25,000 JUNE20212,25,000 JULY20212,25,000 AUGUST20212,25,000 SEPTEMBER20212,25,000 OCTOBER20212,25,000 NOVEMBER20212,25,000 DECEMBER20212,25,000 JANUARY20222,25,000 FEBRUARY20222,25,000 MARCH20222,25,000 Mat. TOTAL202227,00,000 BANK RECURRING DEPOSIT J.VRIDDHI MATURITY AFTER 10 YRS.
HIGH PREMIUM REBATE Basic Premium Increase in Guaranteed Maturity Sum Assured Below Rs.50,000/- NIL Rs.50,000 to Rs.99, % Rs. 1 Lac & Above 3.00%
Effect of Premium Rebate on Guaranteed Maturity S.A. Age Single Prem. GMSA 8 Yrs. Rs.1000/- Rs Yrs. Rs.1,00,000/- Rs.2,04,414 NET GAIN : Rs.5954/- PLUS Loyalty Addition on GMSA
J.Vriddhi : Guaranteed Edu-Care Bond Benefit Illustration ParticularsDescription Age 8 years Term 10 years Mode Yearly Premium Rs /- (Exclusive of Service Tax) Sum Assured Rs Maturity Value (GMSA) Rs.2,04,414/- Loyalty Addition payable on Maturity : Assuming 10 % Rs.20,441/- Returns with LA (Simple Int.)= 12.16% (w/o Tax Rebate) Returns with LA (IRR)= 8.26% (w/o Tax Rebate ) Returns with LA (Simple Int.)= 15.21% (With Tax Rebate : 20% Slab) Returns with LA (IRR)= 10.73% (With Tax Rebate : 20% Slab)
Jeevan Vriddhi As a GUARANTEED EDU-CARE BOND Age : 8 Yrs. Total Prem. : Rs.5,00,000/- After 10 Yrs (At the time of Maturity) Age 18 Yrs. Total Returns GMSA = Rs.10,22,070/- L.A. = Rs. 1,02,207/- Total Returns = Rs. 11,24,277/- IT CAN BE USED FOR HIGHER EDUCATION.
Jeevan Vriddhi : Route to MDRT (condition : Rs.8,18,600/- commission) Premium Commission NOP Required Rs.1 Cr. Rs.2,00,000 4 Rs.50 lac Rs.1,00,000 8 Rs.25 lac Rs.50, Rs.10 lac Rs.20,000 40
Top 10 Policies sold under SP RANKPLANSINGLE PREMIUM ,00,00, ,00,00, ,89,70, ,00,00, ,72,80, ,72,80, ,50,04, ,47,67, ,99,97, ,89,10,390
Jeevan Vriddhi for NRIs The Plan can be allowed to NRIs and Foreign Nationals of Indian Origin residing in countries falling in Residence Group I to VII without charging any Residence Extra
Zone wise Jeevan Vriddhi NB ZONEPOLICYFPI Northern Zone North Central Zone Central Zone Eastern Zone South Central Zone Southern Zone Western Zone East Central Zone TOTAL
Division wise Jeevan Vriddhi NB DIVISIONPOLICYFPI Rajkot83.19 Amravati Ahmedabad20.8 Gandhinagar Surat Vadodara115.2 Mumbai II10.3 Kolhapur52.3 DIVISIONPOLICYFPI Mumbai I10.51 Thane73.12 Pune I Aurangabad Bhavnagar Nadiad Nanded TOTAL OF WZO