FBI By: Miliani Vargas Div.209
Education You need to graduate from a university. You need to graduate from a university. You need to complete your basic 4 years of college. You need to complete your basic 4 years of college. You need to take an additional 3 years of law school to become qualified to be an Fbi agent You need to take an additional 3 years of law school to become qualified to be an Fbi agent.
Salary Newly appointed FBI agents start off with about $61,000 dollars to $69,000 dollars. Newly appointed FBI agents start off with about $61,000 dollars to $69,000 dollars. Over time the FBI agents make from $70,000 dollars to $85,000 dollars. Over time the FBI agents make from $70,000 dollars to $85,000 dollars. Beginner agents make about $5,750 dollars a month. Beginner agents make about $5,750 dollars a month. The other FBI agents make about $7,080 dollars a month. The other FBI agents make about $7,080 dollars a month.
Requirements You need to be between the ages of 23 and 37 to apply for a job at the FBI. The applicant must have a four year bachelors degree. The applicant has to be physically fit.
Occupations in the FBI Diversified Experience Diversified Experience Computer Science /information Technology Computer Science /information Technology Engineering Expertise Engineering Expertise Intelligence Experience Intelligence Experience Accounting Accounting Finance Finance Military Experience Military Experience Law Enforcement/Investigation Experience Law Enforcement/Investigation Experience Foreign Language(s) Proficiency Foreign Language(s) Proficiency