Mrs. Drewnowski
Oh no! Not another project!! Doesn’t that just make your heat hurt? No worries, this will open your eyes to current Environmental Issues
Your groups have been established and the topic assigned. You have a group leader and you will be responsible to equally distribute the topic amongst the group members. The leader will write down and keep track of each student’s name and responsibility.
You have already filled out the first two columns of the K-W-L page. As the project progresses, you will add what you learn about your topic to this last column. Each student has a rubric. Write your name and topic name on that paper. This will be turned in on the day your present.
The topics that were assigned are: –Air Pollution –Acid Deposition –Global Warming –The Ozone Hole –Dissolved Oxygen –Waste Water Treatment –Soil –Waste
Every Monday and Thursday you will fill out one of the strips In the Student Feedback Form. Please be honest with your celebrations and frustrations. Think how you can work through these and see me for suggestions.
Your research will be done at home, individually. Class time will be used to put together all of the information and create the PowerPoint presentation.
Student Feedback Form is turned in twice weekly throughout the project preparation. Your project and blog rubrics are turned in right before you present. Self-evaluation due two days after presentation. Blog response will be done throughout the presentation period. K-W-L form