Producing and maintaining discrimination News ≠ reliable information
In the absence of direct experience of people, places, or events, the mass media generally becomes the primary source of information (Bryant & Zillman, 2002). Australia’s Muslim population comprises 1.7% (ABS, 2006). In the absence of direct experience of people, places, or events, the mass media generally becomes the primary source of information (Bryant & Zillman, 2002). Australia’s Muslim population comprises 1.7% (ABS, 2006). Socio-cultural analysis: Mass Media
Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (2003). – Referencing of actual events or issues, giving fictional films a factual or authoritative character. – Over 900 films analysed repeatedly “dehumanise Arabs and Muslims, and portray them as heartless, brutal, uncivilised, religious fanatics, who are violent, and terrorists” (Rane, 2007). Digital still from True Lies (1994)
ALADDIN "I come from a land, from a faraway place where the caravan camels roam, where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face - it's barbaric, but hey, it's home.“ – Opening theme song
Australian Press Coverage of Islam Most frequently focused on the Middle East (29%); Most frequently focused on war, crisis, or conflict (52%); – Most frequently showed Muslims to be fighting against Christians (45% - articles where the religion of the groups at war/conflict were identified); – Most frequently showed Muslims as the aggressors in war/conflict (80%);
Descriptive references attached to the word ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islamic’ were frequently derogatory (40% - ‘militant’, ‘fundamentalist’, ‘extremist’, or ‘terrorist’); Described acts condemned by Islam, such as killing and lynching, as ‘Islamic’ (73%); Rarely portrayed the human side of Muslims (4%). Study by Halim Rane, “Australian Press Coverage of Islam” (Master’s Thesis, Bond University, 2000).
“Apart from its negative consequences on their [Muslims’] daily lives, the media’s coverage of Islam reached an unprecedented intensity.” (Yenigun, 2002, p.43) Bias and discrimination is not limited to Hollywood films – it operates within contemporary Australian media too!
References/Further Reading AAP. (2009). Muslim girls wearing hijabs with the Australian flag on them walk in Melbourne [Image]. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from them them Abdalla, M & Rane, H. (2007, August). The Impact of Media Representations on the Understanding of Islam and Attitudes toward Muslims in Queensland. Report for Multicultural Affairs Queensland. Retrieved from Bryant J. & Zillman, D. (Eds.) (2002). Media Effects: Advances in theory and research. Elbaum Associates: New Jersey. Earp, J. and Jhally, S. (Directors), Earp, J. and Shaheen, J. (Writers). (2006). Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People. [Documentary]. Retrieved from
Nangpal, S. (2008). Oz Muslim Women Start Fighting Back Against an Agressive Patriarchal System [Image]. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from repressive-patriarchal-system repressive-patriarchal-system NielsenWire. (2008). Online News Better Option [Image]. Retrieved August 23, 2011, from online-news-sites-major-traffic-boost/ online-news-sites-major-traffic-boost/ Ridzdesign. (2011). Islamophobia [Image]. Retrieved 21 August, 2011, from debunked-yet-again/#axzz1Vq3mcdik debunked-yet-again/#axzz1Vq3mcdik Yenigun, H.I. (2002, October). Muslims and the Media after 9/11: A Muslim Discourse in the American Media? Paper presented at 31st Annual Convention of Association of Muslim Social Scientists. Retrieved from %20Muslims%20and%20the%20Media%20after%209%20over%2011.pdfhttp://i- %20Muslims%20and%20the%20Media%20after%209%20over%2011.pdf