Claim Your Team! Overview and Detailed Instructions
Three Ways To Learn First three slides provide overview Remaining slides provide detailed screenshots Last slide is a link to a video set of instructions
In this step you will create an account with DI (DII). This will also give you access to online Program Materials available through DII. You should get a physical copy of the program materials from whomever purchased the materials. Click here to create an account. Click on Create an Account and complete the fields. here If you're a returning team manager, you should sign into your existing account and go to step 2.
You need to associate your name with the Team Number you were given and provide Team information. Click here. Enter the log-in information from the account you created in Step 1 above. After you log in, click on the Teams tab and choose My Teams. Click on Add Team Manager. Once your Team Information is visible, click on the pencil icon to edit your team
In this step you will be registering to participate in the WA-DI Regional Tournaments. You will need one adult volunteer to serve as an appraiser and a list of your team members. Registration information and links are found Regional Tournaments are $110 for the first team and $80 for each additional team from the same purchasing organization. Registration Late fee after December XX.
Detailed Screenshots
And A Video… Here is a Destination Imagination video from a few years describing the claiming process…. ZMYE& ZMYE&