Presentation to Prospective Parents 15th October 2015 Inspiring each other every day. Anything is possible. Presentation to Prospective Parents 15th October 2015
Introduction to Our School
Contents History of our school School Aims Learning at Locking Stumps Key Stage Presentations Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 School Website and Learning Bubble Summary
School Vision and values Inspiring each other every day. Anything is possible. Everyday Values: Every day we come to school eager and ready to learn. Every day we listen to and respect each other. Every day we try hard and never give up. Every day we help somebody. Every day we go home feeling proud.
Learning AT Locking Stumps At Locking Stumps we believe that excellent learning takes place when: children are excited and immersed in memorable experiences children and teachers display a love of learning children display very high levels of mutual respect and understanding and positive relationships permeate the classroom children acquire knowledge, understanding and learn and practice skills exceptionally well there is highly effective use of a range of Assessment for Learning strategies there is appropriate selection and use of resources, including other adults and new technologies, that have a striking impact on learning
Foundation stage
What can you expect in FS? Transition Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Structure of the Day Foundation Stage Organisation Partnership with Parents Homework Class organisation- KS1 has 3 parallel mixed classes with Year 1 and Year 2 children within them. FS children will be organised into three groups. Throughout the Summer Term the FS staff will be making observations of the children to help inform the grouping process. Discussions with children will also take place. Transition week- Takes place in Summer Term to support children with the transition into KS1 and avoid unnecessary worrying during the Summer Holidays. Children visit their new classrooms with their new teachers. Familiar TA’s work with each class. Work is planned around a theme linked to the children’s interests and involves a range of practical activities linked to the FS profile. Allows for teachers to get to know children prior to September and allows for a smoother transition in September. Sharing of information- FS teachers gather a range of evidence to inform planning and highlight the progress of each individual child e.g. Keywords, phonics, reading levels, FS profile points. This information is passed on to the Y1 teacher and discussed in detail to ensure each child's needs are met and activities are planned at the correct level. Structure of the day- Arrive at school at 8.45am and lessons begin at 8.55am. 3 lessons in the morning (Numeracy, Literacy and one other (Letters and Sounds)) and one longer session in the afternoon. Although lessons do become more structured this is phased to allow for children to adjust to new routines. Move away from EYFS towards NC and a creative curriculum which involves developing children's basic skills around a key question e.g. Where does the sun go at night? (Science, History, Art) Numeracy groups- Children can be grouped within KS1 for Numeracy dependent on the current level they are working at. Currently we are trialling a Year 1 model in which Year 1 are taught together in the Autumn Term with two teachers-linking to the FS Profile with a focus on practical activities. Work is differentiated within this model and children have access to a range of resources to help them develop their Numeracy skills. This is working well and children are making good progress. Classroom Setting- Within each classroom it can become more formal (as there is a chair for every child) as some lessons may involve working in groups or recording as a whole class. However, the areas within the classroom are similar to FS e.g. Sand, ICT, Creative, Construction etc. Within these areas are focussed questions which allow children to work independently on an open ended task using the resources available. They become a aware that there is an expectation to record in each area. An ongoing focus for the KS1 department is to support the transition between FS and KS1 further through the planned use of continuous Provision linked to the themes within the classroom and the FS Profile. Homework- Same-Keywords, Reading Additional-Spellings, Maths key number fact booklet (with support for parents), holiday project work prior to a new topic. To finish.... Whilst there are changes within KS1 compared to FS many aspects remain. Every effort is made for a smooth transition for the children and our main aim is to minimise disruption for every child.
Key Stage 1
What can you expect in KS1? Class organisation Transition week Sharing of information Structure of the day Classroom Setting Homework Class organisation- KS1 has 3 parallel mixed classes with Year 1 and Year 2 children within them. FS children will be organised into three groups. Throughout the Summer Term the FS staff will be making observations of the children to help inform the grouping process. Discussions with children will also take place. Transition week- Takes place in Summer Term to support children with the transition into KS1 and avoid unnecessary worrying during the Summer Holidays. Children visit their new classrooms with their new teachers. Familiar TA’s work with each class. Work is planned around a theme linked to the children’s interests and involves a range of practical activities linked to the FS profile. Allows for teachers to get to know children prior to September and allows for a smoother transition in September. Sharing of information- FS teachers gather a range of evidence to inform planning and highlight the progress of each individual child e.g. Keywords, phonics, reading levels, FS profile points. This information is passed on to the Y1 teacher and discussed in detail to ensure each child's needs are met and activities are planned at the correct level. Structure of the day- Arrive at school at 8.45am and lessons begin at 8.55am. 3 lessons in the morning (Numeracy, Literacy and one other (Letters and Sounds)) and one longer session in the afternoon. Although lessons do become more structured this is phased to allow for children to adjust to new routines. Move away from EYFS towards NC and a creative curriculum which involves developing children's basic skills around a key question e.g. Where does the sun go at night? (Science, History, Art) Numeracy groups- Children can be grouped within KS1 for Numeracy dependent on the current level they are working at. Currently we are trialling a Year 1 model in which Year 1 are taught together in the Autumn Term with two teachers-linking to the FS Profile with a focus on practical activities. Work is differentiated within this model and children have access to a range of resources to help them develop their Numeracy skills. This is working well and children are making good progress. Classroom Setting- Within each classroom it can become more formal (as there is a chair for every child) as some lessons may involve working in groups or recording as a whole class. However, the areas within the classroom are similar to FS e.g. Sand, ICT, Creative, Construction etc. Within these areas are focussed questions which allow children to work independently on an open ended task using the resources available. They become a aware that there is an expectation to record in each area. An ongoing focus for the KS1 department is to support the transition between FS and KS1 further through the planned use of continuous Provision linked to the themes within the classroom and the FS Profile. Homework- Same-Keywords, Reading Additional-Spellings, Maths key number fact booklet (with support for parents), holiday project work prior to a new topic. To finish.... Whilst there are changes within KS1 compared to FS many aspects remain. Every effort is made for a smooth transition for the children and our main aim is to minimise disruption for every child.
A typical KS1 timetable
Key Stage 2
What can you expect in KS2? Lots of similarities to KS1 however developing: independence of thought and learning maturity responsibility initiative role within the school Class organisation- KS1 has 3 parallel mixed classes with Year 1 and Year 2 children within them. FS children will be organised into three groups. Throughout the Summer Term the FS staff will be making observations of the children to help inform the grouping process. Discussions with children will also take place. Transition week- Takes place in Summer Term to support children with the transition into KS1 and avoid unnecessary worrying during the Summer Holidays. Children visit their new classrooms with their new teachers. Familiar TA’s work with each class. Work is planned around a theme linked to the children’s interests and involves a range of practical activities linked to the FS profile. Allows for teachers to get to know children prior to September and allows for a smoother transition in September. Sharing of information- FS teachers gather a range of evidence to inform planning and highlight the progress of each individual child e.g. Keywords, phonics, reading levels, FS profile points. This information is passed on to the Y1 teacher and discussed in detail to ensure each child's needs are met and activities are planned at the correct level. Structure of the day- Arrive at school at 8.45am and lessons begin at 8.55am. 3 lessons in the morning (Numeracy, Literacy and one other (Letters and Sounds)) and one longer session in the afternoon. Although lessons do become more structured this is phased to allow for children to adjust to new routines. Move away from EYFS towards NC and a creative curriculum which involves developing children's basic skills around a key question e.g. Where does the sun go at night? (Science, History, Art) Numeracy groups- Children can be grouped within KS1 for Numeracy dependent on the current level they are working at. Currently we are trialling a Year 1 model in which Year 1 are taught together in the Autumn Term with two teachers-linking to the FS Profile with a focus on practical activities. Work is differentiated within this model and children have access to a range of resources to help them develop their Numeracy skills. This is working well and children are making good progress. Classroom Setting- Within each classroom it can become more formal (as there is a chair for every child) as some lessons may involve working in groups or recording as a whole class. However, the areas within the classroom are similar to FS e.g. Sand, ICT, Creative, Construction etc. Within these areas are focussed questions which allow children to work independently on an open ended task using the resources available. They become a aware that there is an expectation to record in each area. An ongoing focus for the KS1 department is to support the transition between FS and KS1 further through the planned use of continuous Provision linked to the themes within the classroom and the FS Profile. Homework- Same-Keywords, Reading Additional-Spellings, Maths key number fact booklet (with support for parents), holiday project work prior to a new topic. To finish.... Whilst there are changes within KS1 compared to FS many aspects remain. Every effort is made for a smooth transition for the children and our main aim is to minimise disruption for every child.
Mathematics Children are taught in own classes Mixed ability Provide opportunities for continuous challenge (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Star Challenges) Promotion of independent learning Accelerated progress groups as required Increased focus on using and applying in a range of contexts Use of resources and ‘hands on experiences’
English Taught in own classes Cover a wide range of genres Quick paced and fun spelling activities take place throughout the week with a test on a Friday (5 seen and some unseen words) Taught in own classes Cover a wide range of genres Where possible linked with our Topics Progression of skills – Punctuation and Grammar Use of high quality texts to inspire learning Use of technology to enhance learning
Other subjects Fantastic Topics with WOW moments! Science, History, Geography, Computing, Art, DT, Music linked to topic work RE, PE, PSHE, French – Taught alone but when there are links we find them! Lots of enrichment opportunities: Range of music, competitions, trips, residentials, visitors, assemblies (look at our School Life Blog), Art & DT experiences, etc
A typical KS2 timetable
Other experiences A range of opportunities to widen experiences for our children: Whole class Gospel singing Music tuition - whole class and ensembles BikeRight Wide range of extra curricular activities eg choir, football and a wide range of sports, maths club, art club, brass band, embroidery, computing, gardening, enterprise, media, dance, cross country Y2, Y4 and Y6 residentials Responsibility eg Buddies, School Council Homework projects
School website and learning bubble The website A valuable source of information for parents, carers and children Dates, calendar, news, links Links to Blogs: School Life Blog Good Work Blog Writing Wall The Learning Bubble (DB Primary) A safe and secure leaning environment Access to a range of resources to help learning Homework Communication with peers and teachers Opportunity to learn about esafety/social networking in a safe and secure MODERATED environment
Inspiring each other every day. Anything is possible.