Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy Black Sea International Day Black Sea Joint Operational Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy Black Sea International Day Black Sea Joint Operational Programme Sorina Canea

The New neighborhood strategy and Black Sea Basin programme  The Global objective of the Cross Border Cooperation in the new Neighborhood strategy :……to support sustainable development along both sides of the EU’s external borders, to help ameliorate differences in living standards across these borders, and to address the challenges and opportunities following on EU enlargement….  The global objective of the Black Sea Basin Programme :… to achieve a stronger regional partnership and cooperation to promote sustainable economic and social development of the regions of the Black Sea Basin, based on stronger regional partnership and cooperation.

Programme’s main features  European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)  Regulation (EC) no. 591/2007  Multiannual programming - 7 years  Joint Programme: joint programming, joint projects  Joint budget: ERDF (SM) +ENPI (SNM)  Joint budget: 17 millions Euro + 10% national co financing  Turkey contributes with IPA funds, 1 million Euros/year  90% EU co-financing  Programme addressing cooperation at regional level  NUTS II regions and equivalent territorial units in partner countries  Grants - PRAG procedures  10 Participating countries: 3 Member States, 1 Negotiating Candidate Country, 6 partner countries

Romania: (South East); Bulgaria: Severoiztochen, Yugoiztochen Greece: (Kentriki Makedonia, Anatoliki Makedonia Thraki); Turkey: (Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Kocaeli, Zonguldak, Kastamonu, Samsun, Trabzon); Russia: (Rostov Oblast, Krasnodar Krai, Adygea republic); Ukraine: (Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Sevastopol, Zaporosh’ye and Donetsk Oblast, Crimea Republic, Sevastopol); Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan-all regions

OBJECTIVE 1: PROMOTING ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE BORDER AREAS Priority 1: Supporting cross border partnerships for economic and social development based on common resources Measure 1.1:Strengthening accessibility and connectivity for new intra- regional information, communication, transport and trade links Measure 1.2: Creation of tourism networks in order to promote joint tourism development initiatives and traditional products Measure 1.3: Creation of administrative capacity for the design and implementation of local development policies OBJECTIVE 2: WORKING TOGETHER TO ADDRESS COMMON CHALLENGES Priority 2: Sharing resources and competencies for environmental protection and conservation Measure 2.1: Strengthening the joint knowledge and information base needed to address common challenges in the environmental protection of river and maritime systems Measure 2.2: Promoting research, innovation and awareness in the field of conservation and environmental protection for protected natural areas Measure 2.3: Promotion of cooperation initiatives aimed at innovation in technologies and management of solid waste and wastewater management systems OBJECTIVE 3: PROMOTING LOCAL, PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE COOPERATION Priority 3: Supporting cultural and educational initiatives for the establishment of a common cultural environment in the Basin Measure 3.1: Promoting cultural networking and educational exchange in the Black Sea Basin communities.

Indicative activities  Cooperation for the promotion of economic initiatives, through support to the promotion of traditional products from the Black Sea agriculture on the international markets.  Creation of cross border tourism products and common standards of services (thematic routes, quality systems etc)  Exchange of know how and preparation in partnership of local common development initiatives  Preparation/promotion of scientific studies in the fields of monitoring, control and protection of maritime system and of rivers in the area  Training and raising awareness of citizens living in protected natural areas  Partnerships for the innovation in waste management in regions interested by tourism flows, seasonally and territorially concentrated  The establishment of partnerships for the promotion of cultural heritage values  Partnerships for the exchange of visits of students and scholars for the establishment of cultural integration channels in the Black Sea areas.

Projects' main features  All projects will be based on cross border partnership, from member states and partner countries.  Integrated projects where each partner carries out a part of the activities of the joint project on its own territory  Beneficiary (Lead partner) will be leading implementation and interacting with the JMA.  Projects’ size: minimum Euros  Potential beneficiaries: local and regional authorities, development, environmental and tourism agencies, chambers of commerce, NGOs, Education institutions.

Projects' selection  One call for proposals for all priorities, launched by JMA, after prior approval from JMC  Applications submitted to the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS)  Projects assessment: JTS (administrative check, eligibility check) Selection Committee (technical evaluation)  Projects selection: decision of Joint Monitoring Committee, based on the criteria proposed by the JMA

Indicative schedule for call for project proposals 4 calls for project proposals: rd semester th semester rd semester rd semester last contracting year 2014-last projects’ implementation year last year for payments at programme level

Added value of the ENPI CBC Programme  Project partners are local and regional authorities and NGOs;  Project definition is in the hands of these local and regional actors on the basis of the programme’s priorities;  Projects are prepared and implemented in a partnership spirit, with similar organisations sharing experience with their partners across the borders, working together to address common challenges or to develop a joint potential;  Projects will have a cross-border impact;  The programme priorities concentrate on the common needs of the eligible regions, and were jointly identified by the 10 participating countries;  The area of cooperation defined by the programme for the Black Sea Basin is broad, regionally coherent and unique.

Next steps  Common agreement among the partners (at technical and political level) on the final version of the programming document- November 2007  Submission of JOP to EC for approval -November- December 2007  EC approval – beginning of 2008  A financing agreement is signed by the EC and each partner country of the joint operational programme; the JOP can start as soon as one partner country has signed its financing agreement- during 2008  First call for proposals – 3 rd semester of 2008

Useful information Contact person: Sorina Canea, Programme Manager Directorate for International Territorial Cooperation page under construction