Woman Taking the Lead for Kentucky Agriculture A Report to the National Extension Women in Agriculture Education Conference St. Louis, Missouri April 6, 2006 This is a project of the Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program and the Southern Rural Development Center (SRDC) through the Sustainable Community Innovation Grants Program.
Somebody ought to do something about that?
What was needed Understand Kentucky’s legislative development process; Be aware of rules for lobbying; Analyze and interpret data and trends related to agriculture;
What was needed – cont’d Prepare statements for public hearings and listening sessions; Work with local media to tell agriculture’s story; and Develop strategies for sharing information learned with other women and small farmers around the state
Process Sustainable Community Innovation Project Grant from Southern SARE Collaborators: Kentucky Women in Agriculture (sponsor) League of Women Voters American Association of University Women Competitive Application Process Conference Participation & Follow-up Session
Institute Topics Getting Involved—Why You are Important Finding Your Way Through the Legislative Maze By the Numbers: Finding Data on Agriculture, Community Development, and Economic Trends Making Your Voice Heard—Effective Communication Skills
Outcomes Organized to get tractor warning signs on local roads Worked to get 4-H livestock project started in county program Serving on county green space committee Participated in local water resource ownership issues
Outcomes cont’d Building relationships with local farmers to participate in and use government programs Writing grants with regional tourism committee Working with local elementary school to promote food to table programs Organized steering committee for study of local food economy policy development
Institute Toolkit Action Fact Sheets Available on KWIA website after June 1,
For more information Gae Broadwater Cooperative Extension Program Kentucky State University 400 East Main Street Frankfort, KY