The Questions Before The Storm
Standish Comprehensive Plan Update Committee 2004 Survey Development The following questions were suggested at the Standish Comprehensive Plan Update Committee meeting on June 24th, The committee has decided to not use the 1992 Survey as a base to develop the new survey. This list is a first attempt at developing the questions for the upcoming survey.
The Regional Environment Subcommittee Should the town explore ways of increasing regional collaboration such as sharing fire and rescue service? Do you want to expand multi-use trail linkages with other towns, including multi-use trails and wild life corridors? Should the town explore regional education opportunities? Would you support waste management efforts being shared with other towns, such as regional trash bag collection?
Economic and Community Environment Subcommittee What services at a minimum should the town be providing? (check the ones you support) Fire Snow removal Education Etc. Which of these industries would you like to see expanded in Standish: (check the ones you support) Industrial Commuting/bedroom community Tourism/recreation Agricultural Professional Etc.
Economic and Community Environment Subcommittee Would you support increasing the tax burden to more businesses as opposed to residential? How satisfied are you with town services? Scale 1-5 for each town service Do you feel that you are getting good services for the amount of taxes that you pay? What should the economic focus of the village areas be? How should the issue of the public boat launch be resolved? How do you recommend the town acquire public access to Sebago Lake (multiple choice?) Would you prefer that only town residents be able to use the boat launch facility?
Built Environment Subcommittee How much development do you want to see in the next 10 years. (include past 10 and /or years growth rate) 0-10% 10-20% etc. What type of development would you like to see in Standish? List Do you want development focused within the existing Village Centers? How big do you think the Village Centers should be? How do you want to see the village centers developed? (list options for respondents to check?) How important is it to maintain the historic buildings in Village Centers? (very important, important, not important, etc.) Should the town try to focus growth in Central Areas?
Natural Environment Subcommittee Should more land be preserved in Standish? Should the town help fund land preservation? Which funding strategies would you support? (List suggestions: bond, tax, user fees, tax incentives, impact fees, federal/state grants, donations, etc.) Do you support creating a hiking trail along the Saco River? Do you support using town funding to acquire the land? Should the town develop public access to other water ways including Watchic Lake, Bonny Eagle Pond, Sebago Lake and the Saco River? Should the town explore ways of preserving open space/rural areas?