International Competition and Exhibition “How Do You Like My Art?” for disabled children aged 5-15 Since 1974
International Competition and Exhibition “How Do You Like My Art?” for disabled children aged 5-15 Every second year since 1974 the Bulgarian Red Cross Youth organizes an International Art Competition and Exhibition “How Do You Like My Art” for physically and mentally disabled children. During the past years the competition achieved great popularity among children at different age from all over the world and proved to be an excellent opportunity for them to develop their creative abilities and show their artistic talents.
International Competition and Exhibition “How Do You Like My Art?” for disabled children aged 5-15 In the past few years the competition achieved great popularity among children of different ages from all over the world and proved to be an excellent opportunity for them to develop their creative abilities and demonstrate their artistic talents.
International Competition and Exhibition “How Do You Like My Art?” for disabled children aged 5-15
In 2008 the BRCY established a FUND FOR PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CREATIVE ABILITIES OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. Its purpose is to help talented children facing physical, mental or social challenges, to develop their talents and move to an art career. The selected drawings to participate in the exhibition are sold and the money is accumulated in the Fund. Then it is distributed to talented children to assist them financially to attend art classes.
International Competition and Exhibition “How Do You Like My Art?” for disabled children aged 5-15 Drawings from Chinese children, “How Do You Like My Art”, 2006