OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Research paper What I have learned My successes Challenges Mentor Reflection Conclusion
RESEARCH PAPER Thesis: Art classes have been in high danger of budget cuts in many schools as the economy has changed and there is not as much funding, but art classes are a positive outlet for creative children and have many benefits. Arts help to form a healthy developed brain and have been proven to make a strong impact on students being interested in their education. Art classes are one of the very first classes to be on the chopping block when budget cuts are being made. Other classes such as literature and math are generally considered as the most important classes, but arts are equally important to the development of a well rounded individual not only culturally, but physically and mentally.
WHAT I HAVE LEARNED Talk patiently and calmly with the students. Be able to be firm without sounding rude when dealing with a situation in the classroom. Give groups of students different classroom ‘jobs’ so they feel involved. Many of the motions involved in creating art such as holding a paintbrush or scribbling with a crayon can be essential to development of fine motor skills. Creativity fosters success and mastery, since there is no one right way involved. Arts are also very beneficial to special needs students.
MY SUCCESSES Students became comfortable enough to show me their art and ask my opinion. Helping the students form their clay pots Keeping up with all the different students calling for me Learning about the many benefits that art classes have on people in the long run.
CHALLENGES Speaking in front of a class. Maintaining a calm classroom when students begin to get loud, and rambunctious. Keeping up with students who try to go ahead of the class as well as those who are behind the rest of the class.
MENTOR REFLECTION My mentor was an art teacher named Ernest Wince from Avery Creek Elementary School. He conducts his class with an edge of humor, but maintains a serious demeanor when needed He was a good mentor He taught me to get the classes’ attention properly, to instruct class, and to walk around and assist students as needed as well as taught me skills in solving classroom problems when they arise.
CONCLUSION Art teaching is a fun career, but I am not certain I will do this in the future. It is a possibility that I consider often. I enjoyed getting to know the classes, help with instruction and helping the students figure out what they did not understand. I intend to continue volunteering with art classes even if I do not pursue art teaching as a career.