DöhlerAgrar Statement on the EMEP Emission Factors for Mineral Fertilizers from the Applied Research Perspective in Germany Helmut Döhler TFEIP A & N Panel Meeting Milan, 11 th -12 th Mai 2015
DöhlerAgrar 1. EMEP Guidebook 2013 and consequences for the German Inventory 2. Statement by H. Döhler in May German research in brief - Theoretical ammonia loss potential from urea -Previous applied research -Recent work 4. Conclusions & Statement Table of content
DöhlerAgrar Statement
DöhlerAgrar N Fertilizer EMEP Emission Factor kg NH 3 /kg N yearly applied N [kt] (estimated) NH 3 -Emissions from mineral. N-Fertilizers kt CAN 0,00890, Urea 0,13820, UAN 0,07060, other-N- Fertilizers 0,00890, NP 0,01610, NK, NPK 0,00890, ,63 Total66136 Calculated Ammonia Emissions from Mineral Fertilizers in Germany (EMEP 2009 /2013; Stat. Bundesamt)
DöhlerAgrar Ammonia Emissions in Germany 2012 and 2013 (NIR 2015) NH 3 kt NEC Target Haenel et al. 2015
DöhlerAgrar NH 3 kt NEC Target Ammonia Emissions in Germany 2012 and 2013 (NIR 2015) Haenel et al. 2015
DöhlerAgrar Specific ammonia emission potential of German soils (laboratory volatilisation model test) SKW Schuster 2014
DöhlerAgrar Weihenstephan – 1988 – uL, pH 6,3 Wind tunnel method N applied 100 kg N ha -1 % fertilizer-N Ø- Temperature Amberger 1990 relative humidity % 1 – 7 °C 10 – 24 °C % 3 – 13 °C 5 – 14 °C % NH 3 -Emissions from surface applied mineral fertilizer (Urea and CAN) in Winter Wheat
Growth curve winterwheat Wasserüberschuss zu Vegetationsbeginn Starkregen- risiko DöhlerAgrar JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAug Timing of N application Amberger 1990
DöhlerAgrar Urea prills and granulates Prills Granulates
DöhlerAgrar Weihenstephan – 1988 – uL, pH 6,3 Wind tunnel method N applied 100 kg N ha -1 % fertilizer-N Ø- Temperature Amberger 1990 relative humidity % 1 – 7 °C 10 – 24 °C % 3 – 13 °C 5 – 14 °C % NH 3 -Emissions from surface applied mineral fertilizer (Urea and CAN) in Winter Wheat Upper end of losses (overestimation by wind tunnel method) Timing of application not reasonable in practice, but demonstrating well loss potentials 50 % reduction by using 4mm granulates (Urea II) instead of 1-2 mm prills Releveant for the Inventory GB ?
DöhlerAgrar NH 3 -Emissions from surface applied mineral fertilizer in Winter Wheat Weihenstephan – 1999 – uL, pH 6,3 dynamic chamber method Exp. Period 10 days N applied: 80 kg N ha -1 % of N applied Ø- Temperature 7,7 13,319,112,4 Gutser et al. 2004, Weber et al. (2000) Rainfall (mm) Tag 022,60,31,222,1 Application timing Low losses below 5%, even under warm conditions. Rainfall reduces losses
DöhlerAgrar Soil texture usepH C org % DM Urease activity µg NH 4 -N(g DS soil) -1 (2h) -1 NH 3 Emission without UI % of fertilizer-N Reduction of NH 3 - Emissions with UI [%] Ss tillage5,10,5014,42,766 SI3 tillage5,51,3054,04,128 Lu tillage5,71,4340,33,323 Lu tillage5,81,2452,72,040 Lu grassland6,21,64108,54,851 Tu4 tillage6,51,7271,63,437 Tu2 tillage7,34,8390,51,335 Ø Reduction of NH 3 -Emissionen by adding UI around 40% Ammonia losses from Urea N and effect of an urease inhibitor (UI) on ammonia losses Schraml & Schmidhalter 2009
Previous German research on ammonia losses from Mineral Fertilizers Publication Ammonia-Emissions NH 3 -N, % of applied N Methodology UreaCAN Förster & Lippold (1975)5 – N-Balance BASF ( )6-? Amberger (1990)5 – 14 (44)0,5 (9-19)Wind tunnel Ladewig (1993)5 – 15 (…)- Labor. test /modelling Zerulla et al (2012) Laborat. test on loss-potentials Weber et al. (2001)< 5,50…1,5 Dynamic Chamber Weber et al. (2004)< 3,5- Khalil et al. (2006)< 2- Khalil et al. (2009)< 2- Schraml et al. (2009) 8,3- DöhlerAgrar
Ammonia losses following CAN and Urea application at various winter wheat growth stages on three sites (1) DöhlerAgrar Ni et al. 2014, Kreuter et al NH 3 -Emissions [kg NH 3 /kg N]
Field trials; Winterwheat ( kg Fertilizer N ha -1 ) Sites: Hohenschulen, Weihenstephan, Cunnersdorf , 2012, 2013 DöhlerAgrar Ammonia losses following CAN and Urea application at various winter wheat growth stages on three sites (2) Ni et al. 2014, Kreuter et al NH 3 -Emissions [kg NH 3 /kg N]
Reduction of Ammonia losses from Urea (and CAN) by adding urease and nitrification inhibitors DöhlerAgrar Ni et al. 2014, Kreuter et al NH 3 -Emissions [kg NH 3 /kg N]
DöhlerAgrar 1.CAN, Urea and UAN are the most relevant N fertilizers in Germany. 2.Few but increasingly information available on NH 3 losses for those fertilizers, almost no information on others (NP, AS, AC, etc.) Conclusions and Statement (1)
DöhlerAgrar 3. Previous and recent applied research on ammonia losses from Urea, CAN and UAN fertilizers clearly show: - N efficiency and yields on the same level - Losses from spring applied Urea fertilizers are low (below 5 %) - CAN show significantly lower losses (50 – 90%), but also high losses at high temperatures - type of Urea granulates (prills/granul.) seem to influence losses. - Even at higher temperatures (late spring, early summer) losses from urea are not higher than 20 % - NI and UI are relevant options for reducing urea losses 4. Since soils, climate conditions and arable farming are similar, those findings seem to be hihgly relevant also for other mid European countries. Conclusions and Statement (2)
DöhlerAgrar 5. German findings do not at all comply with the EMEP Emission factors EMEP 2009 factors seem to much better meet emission situation than 2013 factors 7. Review of the 2013 Emission factors indicated ! (see statement 2014) -Carefully review of the statistical population -Carefully look at representative data -how to deal with one/two season research ? -Frequencies / abundancies of fertilizing reasonably taken into account ? 1. Wurde die richtige Methode eingesetzt ? Ist die fachliche Grundlage ausreichend Haben bei der begrenzten Anzahl der Versuche die E Faktoren 2009 nicht besser gepasst Wurde die Grundgesamtheit ausrecihend Careful review of the statistical population 9.Future research - not any more on loss potentials - focussing on field trials under practical conditions - joint project on international level with comparable and consistent approaches and topics 10. Revision of relevant Paragraphs in the Inv. Guidebook indicated: Critivcal Conclusions and Statement (3)
DöhlerAgrar 8. Stakeholder meeting ? Nat. and internat. Expert Group including applied research … 9. Future research - not any more on loss potentials - focussing on field trials under practical conditions - joint applied research (agronomy/environmental) project on international level with comparable and consistent approaches and topics Conclusions and Statement (4)
DöhlerAgrar Thank you for your attention ! Helmut Döhler
DöhlerAgrar Soil texture usepH C org % DM Urease activity µg NH 4 -N(g DS soil) -1 (2h) -1 NH 3 Emission without UI % of fertilizer-N Ss tillage5,10,5014,42,7 SI3 tillage5,51,3054,04,1 Lu tillage5,71,4340,33,3 Lu tillage5,81,2452,72,0 Lu grassland6,21,64108,54,8 Tu4 tillage6,51,7271,63,4 Tu2 tillage7,34,8390,51,3 Ammonia losses from Urea N and effect of an urease inhibitor (UI) on ammonia losses Schraml & Schmidhalter 2009 low NH 3 emission despite of high pH and high urease activity, but high CEC