Gr. 2 News Claire Co OCTOBER 2007 OCTOBER 2007: What a fun experience the Da An Field trip was for the children as we near the end of Frogs Friends and Change’ unit of study. Thank you to parents who were able to help.
Gr. 2 News Claire Cox OCTOBER 2007 Math At present we are working on Unit 2 : ‘Addition and Subtraction Facts’ and working towards being able to answer these questions: Do I have my addition and subtraction families up to twelve memorized? Can I construct a family of facts using three numerals? Can I name numbers in different ways? Can I solve simple addition number stories. During October we will begin working on Unit 3 : ‘Place Value, Money, and Time.’ Upcoming Events Student-Led Conferences will be held this month on October 25 th & 26 th. Notices about these will be coming out soon. At these your children will work at Science, Reading, Writing and Math centers as well as meeting with parents and teacher to set goals. The new unit that we will begin studying this month is ‘Liquids and Solids’ and we will be following the lessons from the Foss Science Kits that grade two classes use for our Science studies. October dates: 5 th Frog and Toad day. 10 th PD day no school for students th Mid Autumn break th Student-Led Portfolio Conferences. 31 st Halloween party and parade. Dear Parents, Thank you to so many of you who have offered to help with the parties during the year. Thank you to Stephanie Bih who is going to be our Room parent and help to coordinate these events. We will hold a meeting straight after mid- Autumn break, on the week of Oct to plan the Halloween party and will be in touch with a date soon. Regards, Claire Cox.
Calendar for 2A41 Day 1 Music & IT (computer lab) Day 2 Mandarin & PE & Library Day 3 Art Day 4 Mandarin, PE Day 5 Music & IT (computer lab) Day 6 Mandarin & PE Day 7 Music & Library Day 8 Mandarin & PE Day 9 Art & Guidance Day 10 Mandarin & PE MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1 Day 10 2 Day 1 3 Day 2 4 Day 3 5 Day 4 8 Day 5 9 Day 6 10 PD day 11 Autumn break 12 Autumn break 15 Day 7 16 Day 8 17 Day 9 18 Day Day 1 22 Day 2 23 Day 3 24 Day 4 25 Conferen- ces 26 Conferen- ces 10 Day Cycle October 2007 (IT class now on Day 5 not Day 6) Day 5 Day 6 Day 7