Secrets of Inspirational Selli Secrets of Inspirational Selling Selling to a Defensive Customer “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” - Bill Gates David Lewis & Associates, Inc.
“We cannot solve the significant problems that we face today at the same level of THINKING we were at when we created them.” ALBERT EINSTEIN
Perceptions perception reality We must realize that in a selling situation the Customer’s perception becomes their reality.
Type A & B Personalities Characteristics of a Type A Personality: Strong Verbal Skills Competitive Aggressive Over-achievers
Type A & B Personalities Characteristics of a Type B Personality: Relaxed Less-Stressful Emotional Laid Back
Type A & B Personalities What are Automobile Salespeople? ____Type A ____Type B What are most Customers? ____Type A ____Type B X X
Type A & B Personalities Type A people account for ______ of the world’s population. What happens if you utilize a Type A personality presentation on a Type B personality? defensive They become extremely defensive 2-5%
Type A & B Personalities When dealing with a Type B personality, what is the best way to release the Customer’s defensive posture? fear Remove the fear of buying today
Why Should I Buy a Car From You? I Like You Great Product Great Selection Great Service Department Take Care of Me After Sale Community Oriented
What is the problem with this? Every salesperson states this.
Commonly Used Words to Describe Salespeople Cutthroat Conniving Scammers Shysters Aggressive Predators Pushy Tenacious Desperate Insincere Deceptive Sleazy Hustlers Liars High Pressure
Commonly Used Words to Describe Salespeople Hypocritical Evasive Slick Manipulative Untruthful Greedy Cocky Swindlers Arrogant Rude Con Artists Untrustworthy
How Customers would like Salespeople to be Trustworthy Honest Genuine Helpful Not smothering Patient Warm Reliable Considerate Respectful Smiling Personable Not Pushy Friendly Straightforward Consistent Caring Knowledgeable
How Customers would like Salespeople to be Cheerful Well-dressed Clean cut Service-Oriented Non aggressive Understanding Good listeners Concerned for needs Professional in appearance
Buyer’s Motivating Factors: (IN THIS ORDER) 1. The Product 2. The Salesperson 3. Dealership Reputation/Service 4. Price
What do most Salespeople focus on? Price Why? They think that it is the most important item to the customer.
Four Rules of Sales 1. Never ask a question that could result in a lie 2.Never ask a question that could result with an answer you Do Not want to hear 3.Never ask a question or make a statement that could make the Customer more defensive 4.Always try to catch the Customer pleasantly off- guard
Salesperson should have only two two goals: 1.Release the Customer’s defensive posture 2. Sell a car
What is the best way to sell a car? Release the Customer’s defensive posture. What is the best way to create Gross? Release the Customer’s defensive posture.
DLA Steps to a Sale 1. Meet & Greet -obstacles 2. Qualify 3. Inventory Walk 4. Vehicle Selection 5. Internal Presentation 6. Demonstration Drive 7. Exterior Walk-Around 8. Service Walk
David Lewis, CEO x213