The First Amendment/problems By: Billy Sieck
The first amendment 1st: It states that everyone has freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, and freedom of religion.
Freedom of speech Everyone has the right to say what they want and do what they want under this section of the first amendment. Burn a flag, chant, wear certain clothing.
Freedom to assemble Everyone has the right to petition and to go on strike under this section of the first amendment.
Freedom of religion Everyone has the right to practice their religion and be apart of any religion that they want.
Speech problems Problem: Burning the flag Solution: Make a law making it illegal to do this.
Assemble problem Problem: Schools and work Solution: Make a law saying you can’t picket in front of your work place
Religion problems Problem: Jehovah’s witnesses Solution: Stop letting them try and convert
Conclusion The first amendment may protect our freedom of speech, religion, and freedom to assemble but it should be a little more limited
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