  -not dealing with a given situation  -can be positive or negative depending on how it is used  -a good tactic to use when the issue is not important.


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Presentation transcript:

  -not dealing with a given situation  -can be positive or negative depending on how it is used  -a good tactic to use when the issue is not important enough to pursue  -a bad tactic to use when you are fearful of the consequences or other reactions AVOIDANCE

  -not recognizing that a conflict exists  -rarely a useful tactic-the end result is deception of self and others DENIAL

  -giving in or going along with the wishes of the other parties involved in the conflict despite your opposition to the position  -can be positive or negative depending on the circumstance  -not wise to accommodate on issues that are important to you  -a good tactic to use if you view conflict as something to be avoided at all costs ACCOMODATION

  -using aggressive behaviour to win a situation with little regard for the opinions and feelings of other parties involved  -the “aggressive behaviour” way may result in “winning a battle” but people who use aggressive tactics in dealing with conflict situations do not have a positive view of conflict-they are usually afraid to listen to the opinions of others AGGRESSION

  -refers to the process of giving and taking in order to reach an agreement on a common goal  -effective method by which to resolve conflict and still meet the needs of others COMPROMISE

  -involves the sharing of ideas, identifying the scope of the problem and brainstorming different options that may assist in meeting the needs of others  -extremely time and energy consuming  -the most effective method to use to resolve conflict, but should be saved for the important issues and the relationships that matter most COLLABORATION

  Identify the Problem: I.D.E.A.L.

  Discuss or list 3 possible ways you might choose to help solve the problem.  1.  2.  3. I.D.E.A.L.

  Evaluate each situation:  How would choosing each solution above help/hurt the situation? I.D.E.A.L.

  Act on a plan to use the best solution. Describe how you plan to use the best solution?  ie. The best solution is #______ because…. I.D.E.A.L.

  Learn about your plan. How do you think your plan turned out?  ie were you successful or not? I.D.E.A.L.

  Using the 6 styles of dealing with conflict, analyze the four situations your teacher has handed out to you. I.D.E.A.L.

 Situation 1: A young boy is playing pokemon on the family gameboy. At the same time, his younger sister want to play the same game. They both want to play the game very badly and neither child is willing to give in to the other. After spending some time discussing the situation they decide that they will play the game in 15 minute intervals. Which style of handling conflict is being used? Was the style used effective or ineffective?

 Situation 2: A mother and her son are disputing over the last orange left in the fridge. Initially, the son and mother are adamant about getting the orange at all costs. After listening to the mother’s reasons for wanting the orange it was discovered that she only needed the peel for a recipe. The boy wanted on the fruit. When the needs of both individuals were recognized, the dilemma was solved and both parties were satisfied with the end result. Which style of handling conflict is being used? Was the style used effective or ineffective?

 Situation 3: Ashley and Shannon have been close friends since the 1 st grade. Recently during a school dance, Shannon said some negative things about another mutual friend, Karen. Eventually it got back to Karen about what Shannon had said. Immediately Shannon jumped to the conclusion that Ashley had told Karen what she had said about her at the dance. Since then, Shannon has been badmouthing Ashley too. Even though Ashley wasn’t the person who told Karen, Shannon won’t talk to Ashley any more. Which style of handling conflict is being used? Was the style used effective or ineffective?

 Situation 4: Recently Jody has noticed that her boyfriend, Ryan has been drinking every weekend. People have started to comment on this and ask her if there is a problem. Jody says no and explains that Ryan has been experiencing a lot of stress lately and is just releasing tension. Although Jody realizes Ryan’s drinking habits have been escalating, she has convinced herself that this is only a phase he is going through and it is only temporary. Which style of handling conflict is being used? Was the style used effective or ineffective?