Campus Campaigns Working Group Universities Allied for Essential Medicines Aria Ilyad Ahmad & Andreas Pilarinos
Campus Campaigns Working Group Purposes: Coordinate existing campus campaigns to avoid “reinventing the wheel” Support national and campus campaign efforts with shared resources
GAL Framework Revision Academics for Access Website Drug Biographies Proposed Projects… Campus Campaigns WG Projects
GAL Framework Revision Academics for Access Website Drug Biographies Proposed Projects… Campus Campaigns WG Projects
Academics for Access Website Launched November 2009 Purpose: to build an ongoing network that serve as a platform for professors and administrators sympathetic to UAEM Functions: Statement of Principles and Commitment Collect names, departments, fields of research… Pool resources, articles, quarterly updates
Statement of Principles and Commitment “… We therefore call on universities to adopt flexible technology transfer policies that will ensure that medicines discovered on campus or with public funding are available at low-cost in developing countries… We also commit ourselves to proactively push for adoption of such patenting and licensing policies on our campuses through evidence-based action while extending our knowledge to students through research and academic rigor. ”
Academics for Access: Next Steps Maintain Statement of Principles and Commitments? Connect to main UAEM website Collect and post articles, papers, journals… Build a database of academics Collaborate with ND? Best strategies? Develop two (parallel) databases? One entered by academics, another by students
Campus Campaigns WG Projects GAL Framework Revision Academics for Access Website Drug Biographies Proposed Projects…
Drug Biographies Purpose: Build an accessible library for UAEM detailing the development of significant essential medicines Allow quick access to key information for drug- specific campaigns (e.g. WHO Essential Meds) Eventually, help identify potential targets for another drug-specific campus campaign
A biography includes information on: Uses and class of drug (diseases treated) Principle investigators involved in its discovery and their academic institutions Relevant publications Patent information (date, number, assignee) Licenses (licensor, licensee, date) Manufacturer and pricing Drug Biographies
62 drugs of interest identified Includes 10 biologics 34 biographies assigned, 13 completed Completed biographies are available on Central Desktop under the Campus Campaigns WG files Need more volunteers to help write biographies!* *Only 1-2 pages long! Drug Bios Progress
Campus Campaigns WG Projects GAL Framework Revision Academics for Access Website Drug Biographies Proposed Projects…
Campus Campaigns WG Proposed Projects Support top three campuses UC, UBC, Yale-Harvard Engage non-academic community Centralize powerpoint/prezi presentations Intellectual Property & Drug Access ND Research Gap Role of Universities & Tech Transfer/Licensing Universities Allied for Essential Medicines Global Access Licensing Working Group Projects