Evolving toward a Coherent, Collaborative Framework for Earth Science Data, Tools and Services Christopher Lynnes, Kwo-Sen Kuo and Kevin Murphy Earth Science Stuff is (still) hard to use... data science tools / svcs analysis results knowledge about data tools analysis methods find share reuse put together data + data data + tool tool + tool desktop + online Provenance SciFlow ESG ECHO Data Center Giovanni GCMD Islands of data and services with selective connectivity Security – authentication – authorization – code audit/padded cell – integrity checking Social – tagging – sharing – discussions – groups – reputation Discovery – data, tools, workflows, experiments – search by keyword, variable, time, space, author... Information Mgmt – provenance – identifiers – archive Semantic Web – data and tools ontology Cloud – provisioned storage + computing Cyberinfrastructure Services for use by components Earth Science Collaboratory: A rich data analysis environment that: Provides access across a wide spectrum of Earth Science data, analysis tools + services Supports collaboration on and sharing of data, tools, results and knowledge Mediates combinations – tool with data – data with data – tool with tool – tool with workflow – data with workflow Mediator Based on – data access standards – common data model – semantic matching of tools, data and workflows An Initial Step: EOSDIS Coherent Web and Information Architecture Evolution NASA Earth Science Data Systems are a large and continuing investment in science data management activities Websites are the front door to data and services for users, but are currently underutilized and discordant How do we present ourselves as a coherent system of systems but stay flexible to integrate new missions and technologies We must preserve what we currently do very well Context Present EOSDIS as a coherent yet transparent system of systems by leveraging SOAs provided by DAACs, ECHO, GCMD, EMS, User Reg…. New missions, technology and partnerships – Users navigate the system without needing to know how/who is providing each service. – DAAC web sites and services still exist, but use the same high-level navigation, nomenclature and other functionalities so users are familiar when they arrive. More than just a website or portal – An active and immersive user experience leveraging existing and future Web Services (e.g. W*S, SOAP, RESTful) into a seamless package – search, subset, visualize and deliver data in one session with one username and password while invoking multiple remotely hosted tools – Cloud capable Fresh and continually updated and coordinated content Goals EOSDIS WEB SITE ECHO file search ECHO file search GCMD keyword search GCMD keyword search User Reg Outreach EMS VizTool(s) Rapid Response Utilize EOSDIS-Wide Services Reuse/Repurpose/Integrate Content ESDSWG ESDIS SIPS DAACs maintain web sites but implement CMS so they can feed content to ESDS site DAACs maintain web sites but implement CMS so they can feed content to ESDS site DAAC Community LANCE Directed Infusion ACCESS Infusion ACCESS Infusion Others Invoke DAAC Specific Services Subsetter DAAC KML OPeNDAP GeoRSS Web Services OGC W*S Application Server Middleware Content Management System NASA HQ Site External Sites Earth Observer, Climate, USGS, NOAA... Architectural Concept Phasing: Phase 1 Uniform Navigation Full exposure for Web Services Cross-DAAC web content search Phase 2 Web Service Chaining Social network features Harmonize nomenclature Phase n Widely available standard Web Services ISO et al. Transparent user experience (ESC) Can we move from divergent and parallel evolution......to Convergent Evolution?