What do you expect would be some of the problems facing both the British and Patriots in the early stages of the Revolutionary War? Please take a seat and do on a piece of paper
o Howe leaves Hessians in control of NJ o Washington gathers reinforcements o Thomas Paine’s Crisis serves as a pep talk to the troops o New Jersey
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; But he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
o Battle of Trenton o Washington surprises Hessians on 12/26/1776 with 2,400 (many w/o shoes) o Over 900 Hessians were captured. o 4 Americans killed o Morale of Patriots up
Washington Crossing the Delaware - E. Luetze
Battle of Princeton (1/2/1778) o US attacks day after New Years o Patriots left their campfires for the British to see while they circled around the British troops, attack, and win
Battle of Princeton - Trumbull
o Battle of Saratoga, NY o British plan was was cut the colonies in two with 3 armies to Albany 1) Brits’ Howe stayed in Philly, watched by Washington at Valley Forge (brr) 2) Brits’ St. Leger defeated by Arnold 3) Brits’ Burgoyne defeated by Horatio Gates o All British fail o Turning Point - as a result of Saratoga, the French become our allies (the see the US could win)
o Valley Forge o US low on supplies o Washington’s men freeze, starve, and die of disease o Baron Friedrich von Steuben brought from Prussia to train troops - very effective
o War at Sea o Brits have #1 Navy o British Blockade Colonies - allow no trade o French bring Navy after Saratoga o No way US wins war without French help
Valley Forge Video
Southern States Campaign Video
Yorktown Video
Yorktown Washington in NY hears that British general Cornwallis is in Yorktown Va. Washington in NY hears that British general Cornwallis is in Yorktown Va. Cornwallis was planning to attack a small patriot force. Cornwallis was planning to attack a small patriot force. Washington takes 16,000 troops and attacks Cornwallis from the West.Washington takes 16,000 troops and attacks Cornwallis from the West. Last major battle of the Revolutionary War.Last major battle of the Revolutionary War.
Yorktown Battle Map