Section 2.2b Graphical Displays of Distributions
Fully describe the distribution of this data.
D8 – What information is lost when you use a relative frequency histogram. P6 Refer to page 5 Display 1.1 Which variables are quantitative and which are categorical P8 Make histograms of data for average longevity and then max longevity from display Describe differences in shape, center, spread. Why do these occur.
P8 Convert the frequency histograms into relative frequency histograms. P10 Using Rel Freq Hist from 2.28 on p. 47. Estimate the proportion of mammals with a life expectancy of less than 50 years. Describe the shape of the distribution Estimate the median of this distribution
Shows distribution much like Dot Plots and Histograms, but uses a different method.
You can also use to compare two data sets back to back.
Use with relatively small amount of data You want to see individual values You want to find mean, median or mode You want to compare 2 groups (back to back)
Use with categorical data The horizontal axis is where you list the categories. The bars are then used just like a histogram There is typically a separation between the bars.
1 GroupComparison of 2 Groups
Stats Page 53 E15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 AP Page 53 E15, 23, 24, 25 Read Section 2.3