Friday September 6, 2013 WELCOME TO THE 2013/2014 COACH KICKOFF!
Welcome and Introductions MTSS Implementer Wiki District Share-outs Preview of the Year PD Calendar Coach Meetings, MTSS Implementer Days Literacy, Math and Behavior Trainings New On-line Modules TLT Common Core Data Review: Building and District Leadership Academy WisdomWhere Illuminate Education Grade-level Meetings Building Data Review and Integration with School Improvement Coaches Survey AGENDA
Introductions New ISD staff Nate Stevenson, System and Data Support Coach Matt Phillips, PBIS Coordinator Erin Rappuhn, School Psychology/MTSS Intern New local district staff WELCOME BACK!
How to find it through the Ingham website: look for “Find out more about… Wiki Spaces” on the left hand column, then click on “MTSS Implementers.” See handout: write down your Username and Password to log-in to the wiki site. If your name is not on the list, contact Dustin Detzler: Tour the wiki MTSS IMPLEMENTERS WIKI
Emphasis this year on cross-district networking and site-visits. Facilitated by district share-outs and MTSS Implementers wiki ACTIVITY: District Share-outs On the MTSS Implementers Wiki, go to District Updates and select your district. Create a new post: share celebrations and areas you are focusing on for improvement (work together with your district-group) Large group share-out Time to network with colleagues COACHES LEARNING TOGETHER!
Review PD Calendar On the MTSS Implementers wiki Coach Meetings Three mornings scheduled across the year, one before each wave of Data Days PREVIEW THE YEAR
Participants: coaches, school psychologists, academic/behavioral interventionists, principals, and more Purpose: Bring staff together to develop/refine infrastructures that support MTSS implementation, promote effective intervention management, address barriers as a team Day One: Managing Tier II/III Interventions November 14, :00am – 3:30pm Hannah Community Center, East Lansing Day Two: Determining the Success of Interventions and Next Steps March 7, :00am – 3:30pm Hannah Community Center, East Lansing MTSS IMPLEMENTER DAYS
PD Descriptions on MTSS Implementers wiki LITERACY, MATH, AND BEHAVIOR TRAININGS
Teachers Learning Together (TLT) Common Core PREVIEW THE YEAR… I do it! We do it! You do it!
Update on current functionality from John Endahl and Kelly Trout Reports that will be available this year to support data review Screening data will be uploaded for you Goal: Data days will require less time gathering data, and more time analyzing and planning. On-track Module A tool for Early Warning Systems ILLUMINATE EDUCATION
Focus on increasing principals' capacity to provide effective leadership around the variables proven to have the greatest impact on improving student achievement. Building on the work we did last year around John Hattie’s research (Visible Learning and Visible Learning for Teachers) Deepen knowledge and skills around leading and supporting implementation of the essential components of MTSS. How to promote the use of effective research-based instructional strategies, utilizing a leadership-approach that is informed by implementation science (revisit Keeping RtI On-Track by VanDerHeyden). Learn from colleagues about local implementation models. Mike Moreno from Waverly Middle School will present at the first meeting. Who should attend? Administrators and other staff who take a shared-leadership role in promoting implementation of MTSS LEADERSHIP ACADEMY
New registration system Everyone needs to create a new account WISDOMWHERE Not to be confused with Wizard Wear!
LEA DISTRICT REGISTRARS * Indicates “high volume” user. These registrars are communicating with IISD that they are registering new users, groups, etc. Professional Development Four new on-line courses: RtI/MTSS Overview Module RtI/MTSS Universal Screening Overview of Progress Monitoring Writing Measureable Behavior Goals SCECH available Foundational MTSS information to on-ramp new staff NEW ON-LINE COURSES
No scale-up meetings this year, rather 3 District Data Days. Note: District teams are assigned to come on specific days. Strong district commitment underscores importance of building data review. The two processes will be aligned. BUILDING AND DISTRICT DATA REVIEW
Process will be similar to last year, with emphasis on team-time Bring laptops and consider bringing a projector Assign roles to team-members Facilitator Data Review Guide (complete on computer) ASSIST (update SI on computer) Illuminate Ed (generate reports on computer) Time-keeper Process will be aligned to District Data Review You will complete a short summary that will go to the district team When guide is finalized it will be available on MTSS Implementers wiki (you will receive an when it is ready) Integration with School Improvement Upcoming virtual meeting with Tamara Bashore-Berg Ensure appropriate team-members can access ASSIST (log-ins) BUILDING DATA REVIEW
Purpose is to collect information about your role as an MTSS Coach, the goals and activities within your district, and provide a self-assessment of your coaching skills. Please use this link to complete the Coaches Survey: COACHES SURVEY
Adapted from MiBLSi materials BENCHMARK DATA MEETINGS *See final Benchmark Data Meetings power point on Grade Level Benchmark Meeting Tools Wiki
Thank you for attending the Coach Kickoff and for all of the outstanding work that you do within your districts and schools! Have a great year! THANK YOU!