WIDA 101 - Standards Federal Programs Directors’ Meeting Idaho SDE Guidance Alissa Metzler 2015-2016
Good Morning Introductions Name Title Where you are from Questions you have about WIDA Standards, Assessment, ACCESS Write your question(s) on sticky note SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
WIDA Standards 101 Topics Overview What is WIDA? 5 English Language Development Standards 4 Domains of Language CAN DO Descriptors Model Performance Indicators SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
WIDA Standards 101 Alphabet Soup of Special Programs: Title III / ELL ELA ELPA ELD LEP English Language Learner English Learner English Language Assessment English Language Proficiency Assessment English Language Development Limited English Proficient SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
What is WIDA?
What is WIDA? WIDA…is just WIDA now 36 State Education Agencies belong to WIDA Consortium WIDA- Wisconsin/Delaware/Arkansas > World-Class Instruction Design and Assessment > Now WIDA acronym not longer stands for anything, it’s just the consortium name. As you might know, Idaho was the 35 state to join the consortium SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
(Today 3:00 or 4:00 & Tomorrow 10:00) What is WIDA? Academic Achievement Academic English Language Development Standards (this session) Assessment (Today 3:00 or 4:00 & Tomorrow 10:00) Research Academic achievement as assessed through ISAT/SBAC Academic English development as assessed though ACCESS 2.0 - WIDA advances academic language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students through high quality standards, assessments, research, and professional development for educators. PD SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Academic Achievement Academic Language What is WIDA? Academic Achievement Academic Language That you CAN add. That you know what the WORD add means. Why is Academic Language Important Activity (3rd grade SBAC Math) Without SI and Content Vocab: A ______ has a ____ of __ _____. An _____ has a ____ that is __ _____ ____ ____ the ______. ____ is the ____ of the _____, in _____? Without Content Vocab: A pencil has a ____ of 25 _____. An apple has a ____ that is 75 _____ ____ ____ the pencil. What is the ____ of the apple, in _____? With SI and Content Vocab: A pencil has a mass of 25 grams. An apple has a mass that is 75 grams more than the pencil. What is the mass of the apple, in grams? SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
What is WIDA? - Assessments W-APT / MODEL ACCESS 2.0 Identification / Screener BOY: 30 days (Beginning of Year) MOY: 2 weeks (Middle of Year) WIDA testing admin training required Printable Immediate scores Summative ELPA AMAO 1 & 2 PL scores from 1.0-6.0 Only assessment score that can be used for exit 6 week window / Feb-Mar WIDA testing admin training required Web-based K kit with manipulatives 1-3 writing paper pencil Score reports in May WIDA Assessment 201 Today @ 3:00 - Payette Today @ 4:00 - Payette Tomorrow @ 10:00 - Salmon SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
5 English Language Development Standards
5 ELD Standards Standard 1 : Social and instructional language English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting Standard 1 : Social and instructional language English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts Standard 2: The language of Language Arts English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics Standard 3: The language of Mathematics English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science Standard 4: The language of Science English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies Standard 5: The language of Social Studies SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
4 Domains of Language
4 Domains of Language How do we receive and express language? Listening – receptive oral / aural language Speaking – expressive oral language Reading – receptive literacy Writing – expressive literacy SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
4 Domains of Language Standard 1 : Social and instructional language English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing Standard 1 : Social and instructional language English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts Standard 2: The language of Language Arts English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics Standard 3: The language of Mathematics English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science Standard 4: The language of Science English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies Standard 5: The language of Social Studies SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
WIDA CAN DO Descriptors
WIDA CAN DO Descriptors WIDA CAN DO Philosophy believing in the assets, contributions, and potential of linguistically diverse students view multi-lingualism as an asset not a deficit by describing what they can do rather than what they cannot do English and Spanish | PreK-12, PreK-K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
WIDA CAN DO Descriptors English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing What a level 1-5 CAN DO in LSRW while communicating for social and instructional purposes Standard 1 : Social and instructional language English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts What a level 1-5 CAN DO in LSRW while communicating for Language Arts Standard 2: The language of Language Arts English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics What a level 1-5 CAN DO in LSRW while communicating for Mathematics Standard 3: The language of Mathematics English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science What a level 1-5 CAN DO in LSRW while communicating for Science Standard 4: The language of Science English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies What a level 1-5 CAN DO in LSRW while communicating for Social Studies Standard 5: The language of Social Studies SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Words of Caution… WIDA CAN DO Descriptors CAN DO descriptors are not the standards!!! Should not be viewed as what a student SHOULD be doing – language development happens at different rates for every child. They are not prescriptive. Use to provide guidance of what types of language engagement might be appropriate given the child’s level of ELP. SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Model Performance Indicators (MPIs)
Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) The HOW of implementing the 5 ELD Standards – Scaffolding Lessons 3 Components Content Stem (content) Language Function (verb) Support (tool to use) WIDA offers extensive training on this - this will come….IN TIME! Introduction webinar for using ELD Framework for ELL and Content Teachers will be held October 7th and 8th from 4:00-6:00 MST SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION SUPPORTING SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS TO ACHIEVE SHERRI YBARRA, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION