Welcome to 2 nd Grade Curriculum Night! Please sign in on your child’s homeroom teacher’s roster and take a handout. Thank you for coming!
It is a district initiative designed to increase student performance. Students will be motivated to take ownership of their learning. Attendance: Students will earn $1 thunderbird buck for everyday they are present. Class Perfect Attendance daily monitoring visual sheet with rewards. Parent Perfect Attendance 9 week gas card drawing
Conference Times: 10:20-11:10 see Moseley web page Home + School Working Together = Student Success
Grade Level Continuum: Thunderbird Bucks: Can be earned for positive behavior! Incentives Menu: Thunderbird Bucks can be redeemed for prizes! Positive rewards change every nine weeks! Each class has created a social contract to reinforce positive behavior.
7:50-8:10Breakfast 8:10-8:25Problem-solving 8:25-8:55 Conceptual Development (Whole group math lesson) 8:55-9:40Guided Math 9:40-10:10Science 10:10-10:20Restroom 10:20-11:10Specials 11:10-11:20Invitation to Notice 11:20-11:50Lunch 11:50-12:20Recess 12:20-12:30Restroom 12:30-1:15Writing (whole group) 1:15-1:30Word Study 1:30-1:45 Shared Reading (whole group) 1:45-2:45Guided Reading 2:45-3:10Social Studies 310-3:20Get ready for dismissal
Arrival/Dismissal Arrival: Students will need to go to the cafeteria before 7:50 am. Breakfast begins at 7:50 and ends at 8:10 promptly. Instruction begins at 8:10. Students who arrive after 8:10 are tardy. Dismissal: Stay in your car, and use your red car tags to pick up your child. The cards should be on your mirror so that it is visible for the teacher to see. At 3:30 pm, remaining students will be escorted to the office for pick up.
Students will bring home a take folder everyday. Please initial it daily and bring it the next day. Bring Library books back on your library day.
Word Journeys: students will have words to sort daily Math: given as needed Reading log daily-20 minutes Poem on Thursdays
Our goal is for students to be fluent in their addition and subtraction facts. Please help with this at home. Guided Math – small group instruction Math Stations – reinforcing classroom instruction Problem-Solving- We begin our day with problem-solving using a district wide plan. Students are expected to use higher level thinking skills. They are encouraged to use the Problem Solving Process to show their thinking.
Empowering Writers You can help your child improve their writing by giving them a prompt about almost anything. Whenever your child writes be sure to correct it with them. Check for: To see if it makes sense. All sentences start with capital letters and end with a punctuation mark. That all spelling words are spelled correctly..
Word Journey Word Wall Words Invitation to Notice
In class, students are choosing just-right books to read. Students choose books based on their reading level and interests. Guided Reading Daily – small group instruction While students are reading, the teacher is conferring and meeting with small groups to review reading skills.
Students should be reading every night at home. Studies prove that the more that students read, the better readers and writers they will become and the better grades they will get in ALL subjects. This reading should be recorded in their home/school reading log at home. Students can read ANY genre for their homework: - Picture books- Newspaper - Chapter books- Articles online -Comics- Brochures - Recipes
How to help at home: Ask your child to retell the story. Ask your child questions about what they are reading. Ask, “What are you thinking about as you read? Why?” Read to your child. Let your child see you as a reader! Take a trip to the library together.
Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Independent Level Goals Beginning of Year (September) Level 18 Fluency 60 wcpm Middle of Year (January) Level 24 Fluency 74 wcpm End of Year (May) Level 30 Fluency 90 wcpm Instruction Level Goals This is the level of books we will be working with your student on to help further develop their reading level.
Report Cards: October 28, 2015 January 20, 2016 April 6, 2016 June 2, 2016 Attendance and Grades
A minimum of nine grades for each subject, per nine weeks is required and should be spread out fairly evenly over the grading period. The grades must be taken from a variety of grading methods as listed below. District Instructional Assessments (where appropriate) Short answer objective tests or quizzes Problem-situation tests Oral presentations Projects or independent study/research paper Analysis of creative products Compositions appropriate to the subject area Journals, learning logs, portfolios Demonstrated proficiency in English usage Skills demonstrations or performance Teacher observations of participation in individual and/or cooperative learning Book reports/reading responses
REASSESSMENT A student who earns below 70 on a test, with the exception of nine weeks or semester exams, shall be given an opportunity to be assessed after participating in a re-teaching process within a reasonable designated time period. 1.Upon the completion of the retest, the teacher shall record the higher of the two test grades unless the retest is greater than 70. The retest grade cannot exceed 70. If a child makes above 70 on the retest, a 70 will be recorded. 2.Teachers must develop a system to indicate grades which result from reteaching.
Dates to remember: To enable you to better help your students succeed on their various STAAR tests, we will host a STAAR Prep Night. More information will be forth coming. 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade ReadingMay 10, 2016ReadingMay 10, 2016ReadingMarch 30, 2016 MathMay 9, 2016MathMay 9, 2016MathMarch 29, 2016 WritingMarch 29, 2016Science May 11, 2016
October 23 – PTA Family Movie Night October 30 – Family Cookout
If you have not already done so, please make sure your is updated in our system, so that you are aware of all the great events happening at Moseley. If you have not already done so, complete the online registration. o Please join PTA. Thank you so much for coming!