How do we make His name our own? Pray… Believe… Receive…
To be continued… Abraham… Isaac… Jacob… Joseph…
How did Abraham get into the ark?
How did Abraham… …get into Jesus?
How did Abraham get his name into the Lord’s name?
Left … Believed … Was a father … Willing to …
How did Abraham get his name into the Lord’s name? Genesis 12:1-9 –“So Abram left…built an altar…called on the name of the LORD…set out…” Left his country and father’s house.
How did Abraham get his name into the Lord’s name? Genesis 15:6 –“Abram believed the LORD and He credited it to him as righteousness.” Believed God’s promise.
How did Abraham get his name into the Lord’s name? Genesis 21:1-2 –“Now the LORD was gracious…Sarah…bore a son to Abraham…at the very time God had promised him. “ …had a son who was God’s Promise become a Real Person!
How did Abraham get his name into the Lord’s name? Genesis 22:8 –“Take your son…Sacrifice him…Abraham got up and saddled his donkey.” Willing to sacrifice his son.
How did Abraham get his name into the Lord’s name? Genesis 22:5 “We will worship and then we will come back to you.” Abraham believed God could raise the dead!
Put it all together and… Abraham left the old to be with God. Abram = “great father” Jesus showed up in Abraham’s life. –Promise became a Person –Sacrificial Son –Resurrection (in Abraham’s mind and heart)
Put it all together and… Abraham got his name into God’s! God got his name into Abraham’s! Abraham = “Father of Many”