Blood transfusion centre of Slovenia Faculty of electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana, LDOS Mobile multimedia terminal in Blood Transfusion practice University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Marko Meža B.Sc., Andraž Jere M.Sc., prof. Jurij F. Tasič Ph.D. Tržaška 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Blood transfusion centre of Slovenia Marko Breskvar M.Sc., prof. Primož Rožman Ph.D. Šlajmerjeva 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Motivation Elimination of common administrative errors in blood transfusion process Administrative errors can be fatal (wrong blood for wrong patient) Every supermarket has better informatisation support
Starting points Introduction of tracking system into hospitals info system System compatibility existing systems future view Multiple areas of usage modular system structure enables simple portability and scalability System is adaptable to the area of usage System is adaptable to the users Personalization Simple usage (self-explanatory GUI functions)
Example of an application – blood transfusion Complete traceability of the blood transfusion process Elimination of the administrative errors Informatisation of specific steps of the transfusion Usage of the mobile and stationary terminals supporting the process Doctors make orders at the bedside rather than in their office Comprehensive backup of the hemovigilance Every step is logged and can be reviewed
Current situation – sources of administrative errors order Identification & sample transport identification Transfussion laboratory ProductIssue identification transport infusion BloodbankPATIENT BEDSIDE TEST
Main idea – Identification, traceability IDs of all the elements, participating in the process are electronically readable and connected in a database. That minimizes errors.
Proposed system services 1/2 User authentication and security Data storage and access (to more than one database) About patients About procedures (therapy, dignosing process) Online manuals Process traceability Defines and prescribes process – eliminate errors
Proposed system services 2/2 Remote decidion making support Automatic 2 nd opinion Communication between users Notifications to the users Urgent messages More formats Picture Speech (sound) Text “Whiteboard” User groups Expert groups Common interest groups
System modules Security, authorisation User interfaces (terminals, GUI) Data bases Client server connections Data acquisition Data processing Traceability
Practical system - idea
Practical system implementation - architecture
Some details Services are available via the mobile or stationary terminals Everything participating is equipped with unique human and machine readable ID.
Application topology