Dennis Roche, CISA Director of Technology
Taste for Technology Fund Raiser Thank You to the Natick Community for the strong support shown for our schools. Raised awareness that Technology Tools are an area of growing need and support to further enhance our educational mission. Raised $35,500 this year to improve the Technology Tools available for classroom use.
Taste for Technology Fund Raiser Each Elementary School will receive: 4 LCD projectors with a mobile stand. 1 Document Camera
Taste for Technology Fund Raiser The Middle Schools will receive: Kennedy 2 Interactive White Boards 1 Document Camera Wilson 1 Interactive White Board 4 LCD Projectors
Taste for Technology Fund Raiser Natick High will receive: 1 Interactive White Board 2 LCD Projectors with a mobile cart 1 Document Camera
Taste for Technology Fund Raiser Financial Summary Funds Raised$35,500 Total Funds Invested$35,125 Balance$375