Integrating Jump Rope for Heart into your PE Program
Pat Jones – Stanwood Elementary Pat Jones – Stanwood Elementary Hempfield Area School District Hempfield Area School District JRFH 10 years, Jump Rope Club 6 JRFH 10 years, Jump Rope Club 6 years years Colleen Wegimont – Oak Ridge Elementary Colleen Wegimont – Oak Ridge Elementary Souderton School District Souderton School District JRFH 17 years JRFH 17 years Presenters
How many have held a Jump or Hoops for Heart?
5 th Grade Design a partner routine (assessment) Design a partner routine (assessment) –Short rope –Long rope, double-dutch –Jump bands –Partner ropes –Skip its (new option) 6 skills and at least half need to be jumping skills 6 skills and at least half need to be jumping skills
4 th grade Design a routine (assessment) Design a routine (assessment) –Solo –5-6 jump rope skills Long rope skills Long rope skills Triangle, Double-dutch Triangle, Double-dutch Jump bands Jump bands
3 rd grade Expand short rope skills Expand short rope skills Demonstrate 4 jump rope skills (assessment) Demonstrate 4 jump rope skills (assessment) Long rope Long rope –Entering, exiting –Jumping skills in the rope Jump bands, enders + jumper Jump bands, enders + jumper Double-dutch turning Double-dutch turning
2 nd grade Basic short rope skills Basic short rope skills Jump rope critical elements Jump rope critical elements Long rope Long rope –Turning –Entering, exiting Jump bands Jump bands –Enders jumping together –Jumper inside bands
1 st grade Short rope Short rope –Rope selection –Tall body –Wrist turn vs arm turning –Soft landings –Non-jumping and jumping Ocean waves Ocean waves Snake Snake Jump the river Jump the river Skin the cat Skin the cat Hopscotch Hopscotch Vertical and horizontal jumping Vertical and horizontal jumping Long rope, teacher assisted Long rope, teacher assisted Hula hoop jumping Hula hoop jumping
Kindergarten Explore jumping activities Explore jumping activities –Jump activities using a variety of take off and landings –Snake –Hoop jumping –Skin the cat –Jump over low obstacles –Hopscotch patterns Short rope Short rope –Rope selection –Non-jumping skills –Basic jump Long rope, teacher assisted Long rope, teacher assisted
JRFH committee 4-6 parents 4-6 parents Suggested duties Suggested duties –Money, data entry, spreadsheet day of JRFH –Volunteer procurement –PR, photographer –Snacks –After event, sort thank you gifts and put together gift bags Our PTA budgets money for JRFH Our PTA budgets money for JRFH –snacks and treats –Awards –Approx. $300
Stanwood Elementary Build the excitement in Physical Education Jump rope curriculum in K-5 classes Jump rope curriculum in K-5 classes Why do we do JRFH? Why do we do JRFH? 100 Penny day-Kick off 100 Penny day-Kick off Heart Health Announcements Heart Health Announcements Distribution of JRFH materials Distribution of JRFH materials Honor Wall Honor Wall Stanwood is Heart Smart Stanwood is Heart Smart Thank you gifts Thank you gifts Jump Rope Club 3-5 Jump Rope Club 3-5 Online Fundraising Online Fundraising
Community Involvement Area restaurants Area restaurants –Hoss/Pizza Hut/Brusters Ice Cream –20% –Community nights - coupons AHA has a list of companies AHA has a list of companies –Matching donations –Local companies
Faculty Events Food Fest Thursday’s ($2 donation) Food Fest Thursday’s ($2 donation) –Soup Day –Breakfast –Appetizer or Salad Day –Ethnic food –Fat Tuesday – desserts Dress Down Week – week of JRFH ($10 donation) Dress Down Week – week of JRFH ($10 donation) Head shaving fundraiser Head shaving fundraiser
JRFH Grades 3-5 Students do JRFH instead of specialists classes Students do JRFH instead of specialists classes JRFH CD JRFH CD “Be Cool” visit (local mascot) “Be Cool” visit (local mascot) Open gym – stations set up Open gym – stations set up –Short rope –Long rope, double-dutch –Jump the shot –Jump bands –Vertical jump –Skip its –Challenge stations
Challenges Blindfolded jumping Blindfolded jumping Speed jumping Speed jumping Front cross jumping Front cross jumping Backward jumping Backward jumping Partner challenges Partner challenges –Face to face, 1 rope –Side by side, 2 ropes Ribbons awarded to the winners in each grade level
JRFH Grades K-2 “Be Cool” visit (local mascot) “Be Cool” visit (local mascot) Stations Stations –Short rope, hula hoops –Long rope, adult turned –Skin the cat –Snake pit –Vertical jump –Hopscotch –Jump the shot –Obstacle (low) jump, limbo –Jump the river, high water/low water
Wrap up assembly Held a month after the event Held a month after the event Distribute awards Distribute awards –Top fund raiser, trophy –Challenge winners, ribbons –Drawing for gift bags (1 ticket for every $10) –Chinese auction –Classroom winners, extra PE class Head shaving Head shaving Volleyball game Volleyball game –Teachers v 5 th grade
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