WELCOME TO WOOD UNIT! introductions curriculum production homework uniform PE kits behaviour reward certificates and learning heroes
HOMEWORK Homework will be set on a Thursday and needs to be returned on the following Tuesday. Spellings Maths activity to support in class learning (3 minute Maths, online game) Reading every night Please sign your child's homework book
UNIFORM – LABELLED! Boys grey/black shorts/trousers white shirt/polo shirt red school jumper socks school shoes/boots (all black, no colour logos) Girls grey/black trousers/skirt/pinafore white shirt/polo shirt red school jumper/red cardigan socks/plain tights school shoes/boots (all black, no heel)
PE KITS – LABELLED! red shorts tracksuit trousers for cold weather white t-shirt plimsolls or trainers (indoor and outdoor) PE days Pine: Tuesday, Wednesday Sycamore: Tuesday, Wednesday Elm: Wednesday, Friday A PE kit reminder letter will be sent home with children who do not have the correct PE kit.
YELLOW AND RED SPOTS Yellow spots: given for minor incidents after repeated verbal warnings Red spots: given for major incidents, including fighting, swearing, graffiti on books, inappropriate behaviour. Also given if a child reaches 5 yellow spots in a half term. 1 red: child in during the following lunch time. Write letter home. Parent informed 2 reds: child in for one week of lunch times. Behaviour contract. Parent informed. If further incidents, two weeks of lunch inside 3 reds: Behaviour contract. Parents invited to meet with Unit Leader 4 reds: lunch time or internal exclusion. Parents invited to meet with Head Teacher
REWARDS AND LEARNING HEROES Wood Unit Reward Assembly will be on Friday at 8.50am. Parent will receive a text the day before if their child has an award. House points will be given for good behaviour, kindness, effort, excellent work, courtesy… Learning Heroes: tough tortoise, team ant, sensible squirrel, wise owl.