Lesson 51
Today’s Agenda Graduate for Mas Check summaries – Electronic copy of your summary is due to me before Lesson 52 Work on Story Jumper Presentations
Taco Bell Challenge
Show of hands: Who plans to graduate from high school? Who likes tacos? Who loves free tacos? Any ideas on how these things connect?
If you said yes to graduating from high school and have a love for free anything, then you are in luck!
Taco Bell’s Graduate 4 Mas AHS is participating in this program! Challenge: get our whole school to make this promise! Schools at the top of the leaderboard could possibly get a visit from Taco Bell’s taco truck at lunch and possibly win $5000.
PLEDGE: YOU pledge to stay in school until you graduate. YOU are making this promise for yourself and your family!
This is the screen you will see after you complete the pledge!
CHECK BACK IN! Make sure to log on: – Share your status on social media – To check in for free stuff – See how our school is doing – Get a call from a celeb – Use their college resources Visit Contest ends December 20 th !
See Mrs. Corya or Miss Salazar in the guidance office if you have questions!
Chapter 31 – Carrie and Joe Your Summary Use Word. Type your assigned page numbers and your name(s). – Pages – Carrie and Joe Type your summary. Copy it, paste it, and then remove key words and replace with blanks. Huck is torn between doing the ___________________ and the _______________________; he does not know whether to ______________________________ or do what he thinks is right. He also fears the ______________________________ for him if people find out that he hid a runaway slave. Huck writes a letter to _____________________________ telling her that____________________________________. Then, he realizes __________________________________ and tears up the letter. This is symbolic of Huck choosing __________________________ over ____________________. The king and the duke tell Huck that ___________________________________________. Huck cries, and goes to find Farmer Phelps who sold him.