Name ICT based answers for life events in older age Future scenario’s for Independent Living Services in the EU.


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Presentation transcript:

Name ICT based answers for life events in older age Future scenario’s for Independent Living Services in the EU

2 TNO Information and Communication Technology Customer objectives Scientific knowledge Products & tools Consultancy TNO Information- and Communication Technology Applied knowledge Testing Prototyping Funding: 30 % government / 70% contract Turnover: 40 million Euro Employees: 450 (TNO = 4500)

3 Background of research project TNO Information and Communication Technology partners: VUB University Brussels empirica GmbH client: IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies) part of JRC, European Commission DG Research

4 Research questions: What ILS-policies exist in the EU? What can we learn from ‘proven practices’ in this field? What scenario’s can be depicted to describe the future of ILS, What are the market opportunities and policy implications and recommendations for realising the ILS described in these scenario’s?

5 The ageing person as part of its networks 4 life spheres cover all levels of networks policy society ageing person informal network formal networks Work/activities Health/impairment Household Mobility

6 Constituents of Independent Living Physical mobility at home Physical mobility outside home, Familial support Social support (core network) Extended social network Motor, sensory, tactile and cognitive capabilities Basic ADL (personal hygiene, nutrition, etc.) Medical treatment and health care Gainful employment Voluntary work Participatory and self- fulfillments needs Psycho-social needsBasic and physical requirements Learning Partnership Social recognition Housekeeping / controlling the home environment Constituents of Independent living control, empowerment, participation, independence, autonomy, self- determination, self-respect, self-reliance Ability to quickly react to emergencies Sense of security Community / Societal, cultural and political participation Level of needs

7 ICT enabling Independent Living Services

8 Policies influencing (ICT supported) ILS

9 Examples: ILS-Policies in the EU Specific ICT policies directed towards empowering family / informal carers Belgium, UK Anti-discrimination legislation exists that promotes ICT Denmark, UK Employment policies on role of ICT in old age Netherland, Finland

10 Scenario A: Political-economic Central role of market Political-economic Central role of government / public sector Socio-cultural Individual among individuals Socio-cultural New Collectivism Scenario B:Scenario C: Scenario D: Foresight Scenarios


12 Lessons: Adoption barriers for realizing the potential of ICT-based ILS Low ICT use and/or acceptance in the health care sector In particular, low ICT use by elderly (EU average) Miss-match between supply and demand Usability, usefulness, functionality, affordability, privacy Insufficient integrated approach of user needs Ethical issues Control of decision, privacy rules, intrusiveness, critical technologies: risks and responsibilities

13 Issues ILS development need policies adressing user needs/contexts More holistic policy approach: too much fragmentation now informal carers are neglected too little awareness of ICT-ILS potential: awareness! too much market driven approach: innovation is never without risks myth of ICT-ILS as only costs/staff saver needs dismantling

14 Next: context for debate shared understanding basis for policy and strategy building consensus building between DGs



17 Thank you very much for your attention and