Chapter 5 Section 1 Notes
Physical strength begins to weaken Appearances Change Gray hair Wrinkles Become shorter Sight and hearing worsens Ages 40 and up start having troubles seeing distant objects Gradual or sudden loss in hearing occurs. Health Problems Marriage and Divorce 46% of marriages end in divorce
Their ability to acquire new skills and information, solving problems that require speed, etc… begins to reduce Even though acquiring information with speed reduces adults can still learn new information and expand their vocabulary. Some people reach their peak of creativity and productivity in their 40s in areas like science and art. In humanities (History/literature) people reach their peaks in their 60s.
Levinson’s Theory of Male Development Important transition periods are at ages 30, 40, 50, and 60 Entering the Adult World The need to establish a stable lifestyle The Age 30 Crisis Now is the time to do things that are incomplete in life. Settling down Establishing complete independence through striving to obtain seniority. The Middle Transition Questioning parts of his past and structures his life Middle Adulthood Understands and tolerates others
The “Empty Nest” Syndrome The departure of the last child in the house. This is not seen as a traumatic time because most women are very happy the their kids are all grown up. Women begin to reorganize their lives to focus on new interests and activities. Depression in Midlife Relationships in a woman’s life may change as children grow, parents die, or marriage fails. Some women find that their marriage changes once they focus on something other than the needs of their children.