Sierra College ERIK COOPER
A Brief History The RP Conference 2013 STEPS Project Sierra College Paul Neal & Craig Kelly Working with the English Faculty Logistic Regression Prototyping with Excel
The Tool
Early Results TermPlacementSuccess Rate Fall 2010All68.2% Fall 2011All71.7% Fall 2012All73.3% Fall 2013All70.3% Fall 2014Accuplacer73.3% HS Transcripts78.9% Other70.6% All72.7%
Next Steps Adjusting the cut score English A placement “Non-cognitive measures” Math Placement
LBCC’s Promise Pathways: Background Promise Pathways is a first year experience program for students matriculating directly from high school – Alternative assessment using multiple measures – Prescriptive scheduling emphasizing full-time enrollment and early completion of basic skills courses – Priority registration – Achievement coaches and other pilot experiments
Alternative Assessment Longitudinal Analysis of LBUSD students revealed high school performance dramatically predicts success in college courses. Traditional Placement Mechanisms ignored high school performance and relied only on Standardized Assessment Exam (Accuplacer). New Assessment Model was devised which leveraged the combined predictive utility of multiple measures of student achievement.
Drastic Transformation of Remediation
Performance in Transfer Level
Performance by Qualification in Transfer Level English
Performance by Qualification in Transfer Level Math
Achievement of Milestones in Two Years by Ethnicity: Fall 2011 LBUSD
Achievement of Milestones in Two Years by Ethnicity: Promise Pathways Cohort 1
Predictive Early Momentum Points, Using PSM to Compare Mid Term Outcomes
Significance can be quickly shared with simple t-test Outcomet-statisticsignificance Transfer Math Success Transfer English Success Achieve Intent to Complete Achieve Behavioral Intent to Transfer
New Challenges Revealed When capable students are being placed into remediation, institution will overestimate overall success of remediation program. Once capable students are removed, it became very apparent that remediation was working much worse than we thought.
Bringing it all together
Implementation challenges The missing fourth presentation Change management Assessment and matriculation Enrollment management Support services Faculty and staff professional development and communication English, Math, Counseling
Second order effects Examination of effectiveness existing developmental education Enhancement of capacity for evaluation of interventions Reflection on long-standing processes Galvanization of innovation
Why does this matter?
Level of first attempt, Fall 2007 students (by levels below transfer of first attempt)
Percentage completion of transfer-level course (by level of first attempt)
Among completers, average year of completion of transfer-level course (by level of first attempt)
Among completers, distribution of completions by F2007 first-time students
Middle of road statewide projection: MMAP For much, much more, on MMAP join us tomorrow at 10:10 in the beautiful Fresno room.
What that means: all students Math: IrvineEnglish: Anaheim
What that means: all students Math: IrvineEnglish: Anaheim
What that means each year: first time students Math: AT&T ParkEnglish: Dodger Stadium
What that means each year: first time students Math: AT&T ParkEnglish: Dodger Stadium
What does that mean for students? Average reduction of development education of 1-2 semesters/student Direct costs to student Direct costs to state Potential reduction in opportunity costs of college Fewer students met at our front doors to be told they don’t belong in college
What might this mean for all of us? The worst financial recession in our lifetimes took a million people out of the workforce for a year or more in California, causing suffering on an epic scale. What is the scale of the human and economic impacts of 1-2 semesters per student for two million students….
Contact information John Hetts Janet Fulks Erik Cooper Andrew Fuenmayor