Find out what it means to me… R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me… Free Powerpoint Templates
Graffiti is an issue of respect Respect of Property
Theft is an issue of respect Respect for personal property
Littering is an issue of respect Respect for the environment
Fighting is an issue of respect Respect of self and others
Swearing is an issue of respect Respect of community and social standards
Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character RESPECT Being courteous to others through actions and words; to treat others the way we want to be treated.
Am I a Respectful Person? I treat other people the way I want to be treated. I am considerate of other people. I treat people with civility, courtesy, and dignity. I accept personal differences. I work to solve problems without violence. I never intentionally ridicule, embarrass, or hurt others.
What does RESPECT look like? Looks Like Does Not Look Like
Do you Agree or Disagree? It is important to respect people who are older than you are. When you do not respect your family heritage, you do not respect yourself. It is important to respect your community. Respecting yourself is more important than respecting others. Students at this school are respectful.
How can we show respect? Be tolerant of differences Show courtesy and be considerate of the feelings of others Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
The Challenge Over the next 24 hours, keep a list of the number of times you catch yourself talking positively about someone or a situation. The challenge is to see who has the highest number of Respectful moments.