To begin you first need to sign up to Weebly by going to or alternatively and we will create an account for you under the school’s subscription. This is the preferred option for school based websites as it gives you access to more tools in Weebly as we have a Pro account. Once you have signed up you will be prompted to give your site a title. Name your web page Eg. Legal Studies - Double Jeopardy, etc
You will then be prompted to select a web address. The most preferred option is to select a Subdomain of Weebly. You can select to register a domain, however this does have a cost involved. Select Use a Subdomain and enter a web address you would like to use. Click continue. You can always change this later if you wish.
Now you are ready to start creating. Your site will look like the default page below.
The elements are the basic building blocks of your site. All of your site content be it pictures, video etc. is added via an element. Adding an element to a page is as easy as clicking and dragging the chosen element to the content area of your page.
The paragraph element is exactly what it sounds like – it allows you to add text. Every element has a toolbar of its own with functions specific for that element. To start adding text simply click in the element. The element tool bar will appear and allow you to modify your text. These icons are similar to the icons used in Microsoft Word.
The one thing that you cannot change is the font. This is because the font is preselected through the theme you select. By selecting the different elements you have options of adding a paragraph with a title, paragraph with a picture, a picture, title or text only, paragraph. Each of these elements has the same text editing tool bar as shown on the previous slide.
There are four elements that can be used to add images to a site: The paragraph with a picture element The picture element - upload one image per element. The picture gallery element - upload as many pictures as you like to create a gallery of clickable images. The slideshow element - upload as many pictures as you like to create a slideshow of images. Adding any image element to your site works the same way as adding a text element - just drag it to the page
A dialog box will appear on your page where you select how you want to upload your image. You can: Upload an image from your computer. Select one from Flickr's free, searchable library of creative commons licensed images. Using this option will add a small copyright attribution to the footer of your site linking to the photographer who took the image. Enter the address of an image from the internet. You should only use this third option if you already own the image you're embedding.
There are a number of different ways to change and edit an uploaded image. The first is a little pop-over menu that appears above the image when you scroll over it. Using this you can: Link the image to a site, page, address or file. Add a caption to the image. Remove the image.
The second is the blue toolbar that appears at the top of the screen when you click directly on the image. Use this toolbar to: Replace the current image with a new one. Set a border size (or no border at all). Select a grey or black border Position the image to the left / center / right of the element (you can also drag the image within the element to do this). Use the Advanced option to set the margins around the image and enter Alt Text if needed (if you don't know what Alt Text is then don't worry about using it).
There is also an Edit button that appears in the upper left of the image when you roll over it. This brings up the Image Perfect editor. You can use this to crop, rotate and add effects to the image. You can also add more images to this picture element, but this is much more limiting than using the Slideshow or Gallery options.
The content area of your web page only allows you to place elements on top of each other. If you want to line up some of your elements side-by- side you can use the two column layout. This element works exactly the same. You drag it onto the page where you wish to have elements side by side. It can be placed above or below any other element.
This blue bar can be clicked and dragged to the right or left to increase / decrease the size of a column. Note that this bar does not appear on your published site. To add content to the columns simply drag it by clicking on the blue bar of the element and place it into the appropriate column. A column can contain more than just one element - you can put as many elements as you like in each column. You can also place other elements above or below the two-column layout.
You can select any theme you wish and if you decide later to change the theme this can be done easily. The theme affects the look of your website. All of your pages and elements will remain in place no matter which theme you choose. To change your theme, go to the Design tab: The Favorites section is where a number of the programs favourite themes are stored. This is also where your own favorite themes will appear when you select them.
If you scroll over a theme in the favourites area, you'll see how your own site will look if you select that theme. If you scroll off of the theme, you'll see the original theme again. To select a theme, click on it. If you go to the All Themes section of the Design tab, you'll see all the themes. These can be viewed as one big group or by looking through different categories.
When you like a theme, scroll over the theme and click Preview to see how your website looks. If you are happy with how it looks select ‘Use theme’. You can also select add to favourites if you would like to store it or if you would like to keep looking click Cancel. After you have selected a theme use the Design Options to select the default fonts for your theme.
A lot of our themes include an area for a header image. To edit the image scroll over the header image and click the Edit Image button:
Once you have done this you will probably want to delete the image. To do this click on the image and click on the red x in the corner. To add an image to the header, click add image from the upper right hand corner. You can then add an image from your computer, Flickr, the internet etc as you did when you added pictures to your webpage.
Once you upload an image to your page you can edit the image. Images can be re-sized using the little bubbles at each corner at the side of the image. An image can be dragged by clicking anywhere on it and dragging it. The tools at the top of the page can be used to edit and add text / effects to the image as needed
When you're happy with an image, select the Save button to Save it. You can use the arrow to the right of the Save button to choose whether to save the image to every page of the site, just the page you are working on or to select only certain pages to save it to. In that way you can have different headers on different pages if you want.
Your site can have as many pages as you wish as there are no limits to the number of pages you are allowed. Creating a new page is as simple as going to the Pages tab and clicking the Add Page button. This will add a new page to your list of pages.
On this page you can carry out the following: Edit the Page (which will take you back to the elements area of the editor that we've previously been looking at) Copy the Page to use as the basis for a new page Delete the Page Change the Page's name Hide the Page from the Navigation Menu. If this is unchecked the page is accessible via the site's navigation. If the box is checked then the page is hidden from the navigation Password Protect this Page, which requires a subscription to the Weebly Pro service which we have as a school Link Page to an External Site Adjust the Advanced Settings.
You can re-arrange the order of the pages by clicking and dragging them up and down the list. Dragging a page to the top of the list will make that page your Home, which is indicated by the house icon to the far right of the page name. The Home page can have whatever name you want it to have. To create a sub-page, just drag one page underneath another page and then drag it to the right until you see each one connected to the main page via a dotted line. You can have as many sub-pages of a main page as you want. Sub-pages appear in the site navigation menu as part of a drop-down menu for whatever page they're connected to.
To publish your page use the Publish button in the upper right corner of the editor.
This will bring up a verification box, letting you know your site has been Published. You can click the Published address to view your site (you can also give this address out so that other people can use it to visit your site). Click the "x" in the corner of the box to close the box and continue editing your site.