AP Biology Pre-School Meeting
Welcome AP Biology Students! Please be sure you: Pick up the summer assignment 1. Instructions 2. Handouts Pick up small info sheet and fill out Before leaving: turn in info form & get your seed container See your counselor – you are not already signed up!
Things to get: 1. Summer Assignment Packet 2. Tomato Seeds from me – Heirloom Large Red Cherry (70 days or equivalent # of days) 3. AP Biology Textbook (hard bound) 4. AP Biology Test Prep Book (soft bound) – in July 5. College Lab Notebook - NCR (No Carbon Required) – purchase from a college/university bookstore
Accessing me: My website: This site will become an important resource for you ing me over break? Use
Summer assignment: Your summer project is intended to get you thinking and acting in a way that promotes critical thinking and implementing those thoughts into practical applications. It is meant to be hands-on and discovery-based.
Part 1 - Plant Lab a. Research some basics about your tomato plant (see attachment) b. Your goal is to Design and Implement the effective growth of 3 productive tomato plants for 4 – 6 months 1 control plant & 2 experimental plants (varying the fertilizer) c. Collect data as you go (in the form of photos and qualitative/quantitative descriptions) Time frame should be: Research & Start up - 2 to 3 hours Maintenance of plants: about minutes/week Water daily and once a week take pictures & record qualitative/quantitative data
Part 2 - Animal Behavior a. Vocabulary (terminology sheet or flashcards - ch 51) b. Research some famous research about animal behavior YouTube Videos: summarizing Experimental set up (independent variable) What’s happening (depending variable) Time frame should be: Research & Vocabulary: 2.5 hours max
Part 1 - Plant Lab Cautions a. When Germinating - let the seeds “ breath ” and keep them moist. b. Be sure to label your seeds so no one throws them away! c. When removing seedlings from the paper towel don ’ t rip off the roots. d. When ready - plant the seedlings, do not bury them. e. Add proportionate amount of fertilizer once the plant is in a cup or more soil. f. Keep records the entire time (written and visual) g. Persevere - do not give up. Some of our best learning comes from our mistakes. Not having plants is not an option.
First day of school have: 1. Research about Tomato Plants 2. Evidence of your Tomato Plant Project – pictures & info (printed on one or two pages) of how far along you are. 3. Animal behavior vocabulary – from chapter YouTube Summaries of famous experiments 5. College lab Notebook
Thank you for coming today. Have a great break. I look forward to working with you in …AP Biology!!