Lesson 1: Dhruva Mahrja Leaves Home for the Forest (Chapter 8, Verses 1-38) Lesson 1: Dhruva Mahäräja Leaves Home for the Forest (Chapter 8, Verses 1-38) 7
8 The descendants of Sväyambhuva Manu (1-7) Maitreya Muni tells Vidura about the brahmacäri sons of Brahmä, his demoniac children and the descendants of Sväyambhuva Manu, including Priyavrata and Uttänapäda whose wife Sunéti had a son called Dhruva.
The significance of Brahmä creating demonic offspring (2; PrA) In the beginning of creation, Brahmä created not only saintly sons like the Kumäras but also demonic offsprings like Adharma, or irreligion and Falsity, or falsehood; Dambha, or Bluffing and Mäyä, or Cheating; Greed and Nikrti, or Cunning; Krodha, or Anger and Himsä, or Envy; and Kali; Durukti, or Harsh Speech; Mrtyu, or death and Bhiti, or Fear; and Yatana, or excessive Pain and Niraya, or Hell. This is the beginning of sex life between brother and sister (2-4). (Contd) 9
The significance of Brahmä (Contd) Why should we hear about the dynasty of Irreligion? The cause of devastation is Irreligion. We should learn to despise all the causes of devastation, beginning from irreligion and cheating advancement in a life of piety saved from repeated suffering and death the path of liberation (5) 10
By hearing Dhruva-kathä, what are the lessons to be learned? (8) From the pious actions of Dhruva, one can learn detachment from material possessions. One can enhance his devotional service by austerities and penance. Once can enhance one’s faith in God and can directly connect with the Supreme Lord. Soon he would be elevated to the transcendental platform of devotional service. Deliberate consideration, use of intelligence and fixed determination. (24) 11
Suruci insults Dhruva & he leaves home (8-24) Having been prevented by his envious stepmother, Suruci, from climbing onto his father’s lap, Dhruva Mahäräja feels insulted and leaves the palace. His mother advises him to go to the forest to find the Supreme Personality of Godhead and engage in His service in order to mitigate his distress. 12
Sunéti’s instructions to Dhruva Mahäräja (17-23; PeA) “…don’t wish for anything inauspicious for others. Anyone who inflicts pains upon others suffers himself from that pain.” (17) Suruci’s harsh words were actually beneficial because they stimulated his devotion execute her instructions without delay (18). Examples of his grandfather and great- grandfather, who acquired necessary qualifications to rule and create the universe (material happiness & liberation), respectively, simply by satisfying the Supreme Lord thru their ds (20-21).(Contd) 13
Sunéti’s instructions (Contd) How we can be empowered by the Lord? Sincerity, faith, surrender and service attitude. Austerities, panances, etc. attracts Lord’s mercy. ( & ) The Supreme Lord is very kind to His devotees. “Becoming purified by executing your allotted occupation, just situate the SPG in your heart, and w/out deviating for a moment, engage always in His service.” (22) Even for material opulences, it is better to worship the Supreme Lord rather than the demigods. (23). 14
Dhruva meets Närada Muni, his spiritual master (25-38) Närada is struck with wonder on hearing of Dhruva’s activities and tests his resolve by suggesting that the path Dhruva has chosen is too difficult and that he should wait until he is grown up. Närada also advises Dhruva to be satisfied in whatever condition he finds himself. Dhruva responds by admitting his inability to follow Närada’s instructions because of a lack of brahminical humility and the desire to occupy a position more exalted than achieved by any of his ancestors. 15
Närada Muni’s instructions to Dhruva Mahäräja, Part 1 (26-34, PeA) “But mere lamentation is useless—one should find out the means to mitigate one’s lamentation…to take shelter of the lotus feed of the Lord because that is the only solution to all material problems.” (SP’s 24p) How did Närada know? He is trikāla-jna, the knower of past, present and future. “Because of Dhruva’s Mahäräja’s determination, Krsna, the Supersoul, immediately sent His representative, Närada, to initiate him.” (25p)(Contd)trikālajna 16
Närada Muni’s instructions (Contd) Ksatriya spirit! Even being only a small child, his stepmother’s harsh words proved unbearable to Dhruva (26). You’re just a little boy whose attachment is limited to simply playing. He shouldn’t have been affected by words of insult or honor. (27) If your sense of honor has been insulted, you still have no cause for concern because they’re feature of karma & mäyä. Shouldn’t feel distressed or happy under any circumstances. (28)(Contd) 17
Närada Muni’s instructions (Contd) Be it either happiness or distress, one should accept them as Krsna’s mercy & will. An intelligent person should always be satisfied, depending on the mercy of the Lord. (29) Austerities are not possible for any ordinary man— very difficult to satisfy the SPG. The process of bhakti-yoga is simultaneously very difficult and very easy to perform. How come? For a sincere one, ds is very easy, but for one who is not determined & sincere, this process is very difficult. Preaching & seeking mercy of Mahäprabhu makes it easy. (30-31) 18
Lesson 2: Dhruva Mahrja Successfully Executes Nrada Muni’s Instructions (Chapter 8, Verses ) Lesson 2: Dhruva Mahäräja Successfully Executes Närada Muni’s Instructions (Chapter 8, Verses ) 19
Närada Muni’s Instructions to Dhruva Mahäräja (39-62) Närada becomes compassionate toward Dhruva and repeats his mother Sunéti’s advice to engage in devotional service to the Supreme Lord. He tells Dhruva to go to Madhuvana to perform añöäìga-yoga on the banks of the Yamunä with the goal of meditation, the Personality of Godhead. Närada explains how the Lord is a person and describes His beautiful characteristics. He then gives Dhruva a mantra to chant and explains the paraphernalia required for worship of the Lord. 20
Närada Muni’s instructions, Part 2 (42-62, PeA) The motive for Närada’s instructions in Part 1 was to ascertain Dhruva’s strong determination to achieve his set goal to please Lord Visnu. However, Dhruva respectfully rejected those valuable instructions, which prohibited all material desires. He considered himself unfit because admittedly he wanted a kingdom higher than even that of Lord Brahmä. (Contd)
Närada Muni’s instructions, Part 2 (Contd) Besides, his heart was full of revenge. Being a ksatriya, humility was not his strength. He was wondering why Närada was preaching him like he was a brähmana. An essential instruction from the life of Dhruva is that Krsna even fulfills all material desires of His devotees and eventually purifies his heart from those desires (35). Närada preached him “to undergo devotional discipline in order to achieve the desired result.” (Contd)
Närada Muni’s instructions, Part 2 (Contd) Go to Madhuvana forest, take 3 baths daily in Yamunä river, and practice añöäìga-yoga Meditate with great attention and concentration on the Supreme Guru, Krsna, especially His transcendental form and activities in His different incarnations, chant “Om namo bhagavate Väsudevaye,” and perform Deity worship of the Lord. 23
Närada Muni visits King Uttänapäda (63-82) On entering the forest Dhruva strictly follows the orders of his spiritual master, Närada Muni, and thus captures the Supreme Lord. In the meantime, Närada met with Dhruva’s father, King Uttänapäda, to advise him of Dhruva’s activities which caused the universe to tremble and disturbed the demigods, who then approached the Lord for reassurance. On entering the forest Dhruva strictly follows the orders of his spiritual master, Närada Muni, and thus captures the Supreme Lord. In the meantime, Närada met with Dhruva’s father, King Uttänapäda, to advise him of Dhruva’s activities which caused the universe to tremble and disturbed the demigods, who then approached the Lord for reassurance. 24
25 Discussion Points Und Närada is instructing Dhruva Mahäräja just to test him.. (32). Närada is instructing Dhruva Mahäräja just to test him.. (32).PeA Sunti (17-23) & Närada Muni’s instructions to Dhruva Mahäräja (26-34, 42-62)[Group Discussion topics] Sunéti (17-23) & Närada Muni’s instructions to Dhruva Mahäräja (26-34, 42-62)[Group Discussion topics] Närada’s formula for dealing with seniors, equals & juniors (34). Närada’s formula for dealing with seniors, equals & juniors (34).PrA The significance of Brahmä creating demonic offspring (2). The significance of Brahmä creating demonic offspring (2). The essential instruction from the life of Dhruva Mahäräja (35). The essential instruction from the life of Dhruva Mahäräja (35). Relevance for devotees of the austerities performed by Dhruva (71-80). Relevance for devotees of the austerities performed by Dhruva (71-80).