ICS202 Data Structures King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals College of Computer Science & Engineering Information & Computer Science Department
About It is a 4 credits course 15 weeks of classes Every week : 3 lectures of 50 minutes each 1 lab of 3 hours Work at home Syllabus 2
Course Details Section 02 : Time : SMW 11: :50 Room Instructor : Dr. Wasfi Al-Khatib Office : Phone : Office Hours : SMW 11:00 – 11:50am SMW 2:10 – 3:00pm Or by appointment 3
Course Details Section 05 : Time : SMW 9:00 - 9:50am Room Instructor : Dr. Sami Zhioua Office : Phone : Office Hours : SM 10:00am – 12:00pm W 10:00 – 11:00am Or by appointment 4
Textbooks 1. “Data Structures and Algorithms in Java”, 2 nd Edition, Adam Drozdek, Thomson Learning, ISBN “Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Patterns in Java”, Bruno R. Preiss, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., “Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Patterns in Java”, Bruno R. Preiss, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Course Objectives Introduce students to fundamental data structures; their algorithms, implementations and applications. Teach students how to analyze the efficiency of the fundamental data structures in terms of both time and space so that they are able to decide what data structure is suitable for a given problem. 6
Course Learning Outcomes After completion of this course, the student shall be able to: apply object oriented concepts (inheritance, polymorphism, design patterns, etc.) in software design. implement various data structures and their algorithms, and apply them in implementing simple applications. analyze simple algorithms and determine their efficiency using big-O notation. apply the knowledge of data structures to other application domains like Graphs, Trees and Hashing. 7
Topics (Tentative) Topics of CoverageNumber of Lectures Number of Laboratories Lecture Slides & Text Book References Review & Introduction to Design Patterns 33 Lectures 1-3, Preiss Chapter 5 Introduction to Algorithm Analysis 30 Lectures 4-6, Preiss Chapter 3, Drozdek Chapter 2 Review of Linked Lists31 Lectures 7-9, Preiss Chapter 4, Drozdek Chapter 3 Review of Stacks & Queues21 Lectures 10-11, Preiss Chapter 6, Drozdek Chapter 4 Recursion and Recursive Algorithms 51 Lectures 12-16, Slides, Drozdek Chapter 5 Tree Structures and their Applications 143 Lectures 17-30, Preiss Chapter 9, Drozdek Chapter 6 and 7, Heap Sort (Drozdek pg 484) Graphs and Graph Algorithms92 Lectures 31-39, Preiss Chapter 16, Drozdek Chapter 8 Hashing Techniques31 Lectures 40-42, Preiss Chapter 8 LZ-based Compression Techniques 30Lectures 43-45, Slides. 8
Grade Distribution Assessment ToolWeight Laboratory Assignments20% (see Lab Guidelines) 4 Homework Assignments (2.5% * 4)10% Active Participation05% 5 Quizzes, 2% each10% EXAM 1: Thursday 20 October 2011, 10-12:00pm15% EXAM 2: Thursday 1 December 2011, 10-12:00pm15% Final Exam: Tuesday 10 January 2012, 7:30am25% 9
Notes All course material will be made available at URL: Attendance will be checked each class. An unexcused absence can become an excused absence ONLY by an official letter from the Dean of Student’s office. Students are expected to be courteous toward the instructor, the lab instructor and their classmates throughout the duration of this course. All cell phones and pagers must be turned off during class and exams. 10
Notes Soft copies of homework assignments (according to the instructions given with each assignment) are to be submitted, through Blackboard Assignment Submissions, by the due date and time indicated. No late homework will be accepted. Discussing questions among your classmates and on Blackboard is highly encouraged. Copying homework solutions from each other is NOT permitted and will be considered CHEATING. Material covered in homework assignments, which maybe outside the material presented in class, are required to be mastered by the students and can be tested on in quizzes, major exams and/or final exams. Active Participation will be assessed in the form of 0.5% for each correct and/or fruitful participation in class discussions and/or on Blackboard discussions list. These participations will be clearly announced during class and on Blackboard. 11
Notes (Cont.) 24-Hour Policy: One has 24 hours to object to the grade of a homework, quiz or a major from the end of the class time in which the graded exam/homework papers have been distributed. If for some reason you cannot contact the instructor within this period, send him an requesting an appointment. The should be sent within the 24-hour time period. Exams, homework assignments and quizzes are generally CHALLENGING. Check the Blackboard course page and the ICS 202 Webpage regularly for announcements and updates. 12