EFFECTIVE INTERVENTIONS FOR INCREASING SOCIAL SKILLS IN CHILDREN WITH ASD Spalding University: ASOT 2014 Vision in Action Conference Kayla Ingram, OTS January 24, 2014
OBJECTIVES Introduce Research question What are the statistics? Discuss interventions Review Evidence Share real life experience Importance to OT
RESEARCH QUESTION What is the most effective intervention for improving social skills in children with autism spectrum disorders?
WHY THIS TOPIC? Personal experiences: Babysitter for 8 yr old male with PDD Caregiver via Michelle P Waiver for 5 yr old female with FAS and autistic disorder
FACTS/ STATISTICS Definition of ASD 1 in 88 children have ASD diagnosis Autism receives <5% of research funding for childhood diseases Cause? Cure?
INTERVENTIONS RESEARCHED Social Skills groups with varying components: Role play Video modeling LEGO play S.S. Grin Program Sensory modulation activities (warm-up and cool down) Social stories
EVIDENCE Review of literature CAPs Social skills groups overall show evidence for effectiveness in practice
LEVEL IIA FIELDWORK Kids Can Do (Danville, KY) Social skills group: 1x/wk for 9 weeks Superflex Curriculum 90 minutes 4 adolescent males, ages 7-11 Camp Can Do (Perryville, KY) Buddy
WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT TO OT? Other professionals Need for more research
REFERENCES Cotugno, A. J. (2009). Social competence and social skills training and intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 39, doi: /s DeRosier, M. E., Swick, D. C., Davis, N., McMillen, J., & Matthews, R. (2011). The efficacy of a social skills group intervention for improving social behaviors in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 41, doi: /s Gutman, S., Raphael, E., Ceder, L., Khan, A., Timp, K., & Salvant, S. (2010). The effect of a motor-based, social skills intervention for adolescents with high-functioning autism: two single-subject design cases. Occupational Therapy International, 17, doi: Gutman, S. A., Raphael-Greenfield, E. I., & Salvant, S. (2012). The effect of an occupational therapy role-playing intervention on the social skills of adolescents with asperger's syndrome: a pilot study. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 28, doi: / X Kroeger, K. A., Schultz, J. R., & Newsom, C. (2007). A comparison of two group-delivered social skills programs for young children with autism. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 37, doi: /s x Owens, G., Granader, Y., Humphrey, A., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2008). LEGO ® therapy and the social use of language programme: an evaluation of two social skills interventions for children with high functioning autism and asperger syndrome. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 38, doi: /s Scattone, D. (2008). Enhancing the conversation skills of a boy with asperger’s disorder through social stories™ and video modeling. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 38, doi: /s