Cartography-Create Your Own Map: 20 points possible 1. Label (in black colored pencil) the following in this order: 1. Canadian Shield 2. Great Plains 3. Laurentian Mountains 2. Highlight the following 1. Atlantic Ocean 2. Hudson Bay 3. Pacific Ocean 4. St. Lawrence River 5. The Great Lakes 6. Rocky Mountains 7. Coast Mountains 8. Mackenzie Mountains 9. Labrador Sea 10. Baffin Bay 11. Beaufort Sea 3. Color code your Provinces and Territories with the words on the front. Make sure you add: Nunavut Canadian Shield Great Lakes Great Plains Laurentian Mts.
Homework Questions 1. Which province or territory is the largest in Canada? The smallest? 2. What physical feature has the most unique name in your opinion? 3. Can you identify any cities or features that have something to do with animals? Name them. 4. With this many islands, what industry do you think is important to Canada’s economy? 5. Why do you think the majority of Canada’s population live along the United States border?