Goldilocks and the Three Bears Once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She didn’t always follow directions. One day she went wandering through the woods. Meanwhile, the three bears were getting ready to eat breakfast when they noticed their food was too hot. They decided to let their food cool while they left for a walk. The three bears had not been gone long when Goldilocks came upon their house. She walked right in the door without knocking. After she walked through the woods she was famished, her stomach growled loudly. She was very happy to see the porridge on the table. She took a bite of the big bowl first, but it was too hot. The medium sized bowl was too cold and the little bowl was just right, so she ate it all up. She walked into the next room and saw the three chairs. Her legs were tired so she decided she would have a seat. She sat in the big chair, but it was too hard. She tried the medium sized chair, but it was too soft and then she tried the little chair and it was just right. She sat back and all of a sudden it busted into pieces. She kicked the pieces and then ran up the stairs. Upstairs she saw three beds. She was very glad to see these beds because she needed a nap. The big bed was too hard and the medium bed was too soft. When she saw the little bed she knew it would be just right and she jumped in and fell right to sleep. As Goldilocks was sleeping the bears came home from their walk to find their porridge had been moved. Papa bear and mama bear said, “Someone’s been eating my porridge!” Baby bear said, “Mine has been eaten all up.” They went into the next room and noticed the chairs. Baby bear cried, “Mine has been broken to pieces.” The bears ran up the stairs and noticed their beds were messed up. Baby bear said, “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed and she is still there.” Goldilocks heard the bears talking and ran out of the house as fast as she could. Use the story above to answer these questions: What does the word famished mean in this story: a. Mean b. Cold c. Hungry d. None of the above Which of these character traits would describe Goldilocks? a. Sweet b. Nice c. Respectful d. Disrespectful
The porridge was too hot. Setting: Characters: Goldilocks Mama bear Papa bear Solution: Problem: The porridge was too hot. Goldilocks kept taking and using things that were not hers. Use the story map to answer the following questions. 3. This student forgot to add the setting. What would be the best setting for this story? a. This story took place in the city in one day. b. This story took place in the country. c. This story took place in the woods in one day. d. This story took place in an apartment. 4. Which character did this student forget? a. Mama bear b. Baby bear c. Goldilocks d. Papa bear 5. Which of these is the correct solution for this story? a. The three bears scared Goldilocks and she ran away. b. The bears fixed the chair. c. She took a nap. d. It is correct as written.
Goldilocks 3 bears alike Use the story map to answer the following questions. What two things are being compared on this venn diagram? a. Books b. Characters c. Dogs d. Stories Where on the venn diagram would I put “little girl” a. Goldilocks b. 3 bears c. Alike d. None of the above Where would I put “liked to eat porridge”. a. Goldilocks b. 3 bears c. Alike d. None of the above
hardworking responsible patient The Little Red Hen By Harriet Ziefert A little red hen lived on a farm with a dog, a goose and a cat. One day the little red hen found some grains of wheat. “Who will help me plant the wheat?” asked the little red hen. “Not I!”said the dog. “Not I!” said the goose. “Not I!” said the cat. “Then I will plant it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did! The little red hen watered and weeded and watched. She watched the wheat grow. One day the wheat was ready to be cut. “Who will help me cut the wheat?” asked the little red hen. “Not I!” said the dog. “Then I will cut it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did! “Who will help me beat the wheat?” asked the little red hen. “Then I will beat it myself,” said the little red hen. “Who will help me take the wheat to the mill?” asked the little red hen. “Then I will take it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did! The little red hen came back with flour. “Who will help me bake the bread?” asked the little red hen. “Then I will bake it myself,” said the little red hen. And she did! The bread came out of the oven. It smelled good. Very good. The dog, the cat and the goose smelled the bread. They ran to get some. The little red hen put the bread on the table. “Who will help me eat this good bread?” asked the little red hen. “I will!” said the goose. “I will!” said the cat. “I will!” said the dog. “Oh no you won’t!” said the little red hen. And she ate it all up herself. 9. Circle one of the following character traits that you believe describes the little red hen the best. hardworking responsible patient 10. Write the reason you chose this character trait using evidence from the story. The little red hen is ___________ because ________________________ ___________________________________________________________