Zambia Agriculture Research Institute Davy Simumba
Vision To be a centre of excellence providing scientific leadership in the generation and transfer of improved and appropriate technologies and services in agriculture Research
Mission To contribute to the improvement of the welfare of the Zambian people through the provision of technologies and services that enhance household food security and equitable income generating opportunities for the farming community and agricultural enterprises.
Overall Objective To generate and adapt crop and soil technologies and provide services to increase agricultural productivity and promote diversification.
Activities Meeting of the National Committee on Plant Genetic Resources Germplasm multiplication/regeneration and characterisation On-farm management of local crop diversity Awareness creation on International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Routine activities related to normal Genebank activities such as seed processing, storage and documentation are also carried out. The National Plant Genetic Resources Centre coordinates and implements these activities in close collaboration with other relevant Research Teams and Programmes within the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, and other organisations, including local NGOs involved in plant genetic resources related activities.
These programmes and activities are also implemented in close collaboration with the SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre (SPGRC) through financial and technical support.
National Plant Genetic Resources Committee The National Plant Genetic Resources Committee (NPGRCom.) provides policy guidance to the National Plant Genetic Resources Programme. The Committee, which is a broad representation of different institutions involved in plant genetic resources related activities carries out this function through meetings held once or twice a year. A review meeting was held on 9th May 2007 and eleven members were in attendance.
The Committee made the following recommendations: Designation of Authority Related to this was the need for the formal recognition of NPGRC as a depository of plant genetic resources through a Government Gazette Notice.
Use of Biotechnology in germplasm Characterisation The Biotechnology laboratory located at NISIR in Chilanga was identified as one of the facilities that could be used.
Use of UNZA Students It was also recommended that arrangements be made to attract students from the University to undertake research using the germplasm materials conserved in the genebank.
Seed multiplication at farm level It was strongly recommended that on-farm conservation activities be scaled up to extend to other areas beyond Rufunsa using experiences thus far gained from work that has been done in the pilot area.