1 New Hampshire – Addenda Ppt Slides State Level Results (slides 2-7) 2Enrollment - Grades 3-8 for 2005 and Reading NECAP 4Mathematics NECAP 5Writing NECAP 62005/2006 Comparison 7Reading - Cohort Comparison 8Mathematics - Cohort Comparison Fun with Data slides from RI (slides 8-12) 9Fun with Student Level Reports 10Fun with Released Support Materials 11Fun with Grade Level Summaries 12Fun with Disaggregated Results 13Fun with School Level Summary Data
2 New Hampshire Results
6 A comparison of the percent of students in grades 3-8 scoring Proficient or Above (levels 3&4) and Substantially Below Proficient (Level 1) in the 2005 and 2006 NECAP assessment for Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. Comparison of 2005 and 2006 NECAP Results
7 New Hampshire Results A cohort comparison of students scoring Proficient or above in one grade last year compared to those same student in the follow grade this year.
8 New Hampshire Results A cohort comparison of students scoring Proficient or above in one grade last year compared to those same student in the follow grade this year.
9 Review to be sure you have a student report for every student tested in October, Prepare a letter to provide your interpretation of the results for your school and/or district. Be sure teachers are prepared and comfortable discussing individual student results with families, including any instructional interventions. Use your district data file to analyze growth between students you had last year and this year. Fun with Student Level Reports!
10 Fun with Released Support Materials! Build practice tests Share writing samples as models Mock scoring sessions to calibrate teacher judgments Compare released items (GLE and DOK) with classroom instruction and assessments and student work. Map instruction and scaffolding practices to items based on student performance.
11 Review last year’s grade level summary report with this year’s. If gains were made, identify what strategies, interventions, and programs may have worked. If no progress was made, hypothesize why and what can be done at the school or district level to help students make progress. Identify where your results differ from the district and state results. Hypothesize why they may differ. Fun with Grade Level Summaries!
12 Compare last year’s Disaggregated Report with this year’s Highlight in yellow, groups that had significant positive increases Highlight in blue, groups that remained stable or had decreases Establish cross-grade and content groups to hypothesize what the school can do to close gaps and maintain increases Access to rigorous curriculum? Professional development in a specific area? Adequate support programs? Adequate family involvement? Fun with Disaggregated Results!
13 Are there consistent patterns of achievement across grades? Across content areas? Compare results to last year’s school summary Highlight in yellow, areas where there has been significant growth. Highlight in blue, areas where there has been no growth or decline. Establish cross-grade and content groups to hypothesize what the school can do to close gaps and maintain increases Develop a school/district plan to address areas of weakness and continue areas of growth Fun with School Level Summary Data!