) Main Menu: You can access all aspects of the database from this screen 2) Contacts: You can access the “contact database management” side of the program with this tab. 3)Accounts: You can access the “account management” side of the program with this tab 4) Calendar: You can access the calendar with this tab 5) Events: You can access scheduled events with this tab.
Starting Total Database Solutions: Click on the TDS Icon on your desktop Type in your username and password and hit “enter”
Adding a New User: Click on the “User Record” Icon on the “Main Menu”
Click on “New” and select “yes”
Enter the information for the new user and click on “Add User”
You will then be asked, “Do you wish to add another user?” If you would like to add another user, click “Yes”
If you select “No”, the following screen will pop up Select “OK”
The “Login Status” should automatically say “Active”. If it does not, click in the filed until the word “Active” appears
You will then need to set the users access level Select from the list below
You will then set a password for the new user You will also select which dropdown lists you would like the user to appear on in Total Database Solutions by clicking on the blank fields under “Group Membership” When you click on the blank fields, the users name will appear
You will then choose the Regions that you would like the user to have access to Click on the boxes to the left side of the regions description and an X will appear for all the regions you have selected
To Find a User: Click on the “User Record” Icon
Click on “Show All” Then click on “Find”
The following screen will appear and you will enter your search criteria Select “Find”
To Print a Report: Click on the “Reports” Icon from the “Main Menu”
This will bring up the “Reports Dashboard” You can view an individual report for an Inside Salesperson or Outside Salesperson by clicking on the arrow to the right of their name You can also view “Other Reports” by clicking on “Other Reports”
Find and Assign a Set of Records Click “Find”
(You can search by region, address, zip code, city, lead source, business type, etc.)
This will bring up a list of contacts to call based upon your search selection. You will also notice that you can perform a “Search” from this page as well. Click on “green arrow” to bring you to the “Contact Information” page. This page will allow you to see more detail about the customer. (You can choose to make calls from the list of contacts or from the contact screen)
To assign the records, click on the “Assign Set” button
Select the user from the drop down list that you would like to assign the list of records to and click “Save”
You will now type a description for the list of records you have assigned to the user
Save Search Results for List of Contacts: This feature is used to save a list of contacts that you would like to view at a future time. Example: you perform a search for all contacts in the zip code and you would like to contact them at a later date. Click on the “Save Set” button under the “Save Results” tab on the left hand side of the screen At any time you can view the set of records you saved by clicking on the “Show Set” button under the “Save Results” tab on the left hand side of the screen
This will bring up a list of searches that you had saved Select the list you would like to view by clicking on the green arrow to on the left side of the screen
To Show a List of Contacts that were previously Saved or Assigned Click on the “Show Set” button
Select the “Saved Search Results” that you would like to view by clicking on the green arrow to the left of the screen