A Guide to the Basics ILLINET/OCLC Staff OCLC FirstSearch
To access the databases, go to and log on with your library’s authorization and password.
FirstSearch screens and functions
Once you are logged on, select the appropriate database(s) to search by using one of the three options available on the navigation bar.
The ‘list all databases’ is displayed below.
The basic search provides simple search boxes.
The advanced search provides three search boxes for separate search statements.
The expert search is designed for experienced searchers.
Search results
Detailed record
Libraries with web-based catalogs can set up a link to their catalog in the FirstSearch administrative module.
Because the Acorn Public Library has set up this link, we are given information on the availability of the book when we select their library.
The WorldCat Services Administrative Module To access the administrative module, go to: and logon with your library’s authorization and password.
Tabs across the top of the Administrative Module allow you to manage various aspects of the service.
If you would like your users to be able to log on to FirstSearch automatically (within the library), you will need to add your library IP address.
To control access to the various FirstSearch databases, click on the ‘Database Access’ box above ‘Passwords’.To
Linking FirstSearch to a Web-based Catalog
Interface Display
Questions? To review the service demonstrated today, please access the “FirstSearch Staff View Basics: an OCLC Tutorial” at: This tutorial is free and can be reviewed at any time. For additonal help with FirstSearch ILL using SILC, you may also contact us at the ILLINET/OCLC Services office by phone or . Suzanne Schriar Debra AggerttBill Echelbarger