JOURNAL TRAINING Finding Sources and Using
Overview Avoiding fines – scan and save your ILL requests digitally Library Policies –ILL Understanding Citations Method for finding sources Top sources you should know Perma and Academic Commons
AVOIDING FINES!!!!!!!!!! For books from the Law Library, ALWAYS use a shelf collection to avoid paying any fines at graduation time (a student with fines and unreturned books will have his/her student account blocked meaning that he/she will be able to participate in graduation but will not receive a diploma or transcript until the books are returned and the fines paid). The books never leave the library so no one individual is held responsible for them. These can be established by the article editor at the circulation desk. Each article can get a different shelf collection. Books are “checked out” to a designated shelf in the library on the fourth floor. Books are “checked out” for the semester and can be extended if still needed. The books are always available in one location for everyone on the staff to come and use.
AVOID FINES: Build Digital Shelf Collections Shelf collection rules: Only books from the Law Library can go on a shelf (no books from other CU libraries or ILLs. Books cannot leave the library (that is how you avoid fines) Avoiding fines at CU libraries on campus: Always keep track of the due date and remember to renew the book. Renewing is easy and can be done by logging in to your library account through CLIO (upper right hand side of the screen). Remember to check your for due date notices. Keep the book in your own possession and leave scans in the journal office or put the scans in a digital dropbox for the article. If the book has to be shared among staffers, make sure you always know where it is so you can return it. If you have overdue books and fines the CU libraries will place a hold on your account, meaning that you cannot register for classes, receive a transcript, or get a diploma until the books have been returned and the fines cleared (participation in graduation will still be allowed).
Library Policies You are responsible for retrieving any sources on the Morningside Campus (no ILL needed) ILL is to be done only at the reference desk in the law library (DO NOT use borrow direct or Butler ILL) Know the name and Columbia address of your article editor (this is used in placing all ILL requests) ILL requests can take up to 10 business days so do not wait until the last minute to make requests Article Editors may set up shelf collections at the Circulation Desk for all items retrieved from the law library Watch for overdue fines and lost books!
Library Policies Location of some materials Cellar Storage, Treasure, SIPA 1 = come to the reference desk to fill out a form for retrieval Cellar Room B-8 = You can retrieve items yourself and look at those marked B-8 OFS Offsite = fill out the form through Pegasus or the form at _req _req Microform – fill out the request in Pegasus (be as specific as you can). Retrieved within 72 hours and available for pickup at the circulation desk
Library Policies Offsite database access: Go through Pegasus or Clio (do not google the resource because this will not take you through the proxy server) You will have to enter either your CLS ID or your uni and password to access the content Reference Hours during the semester: M-TH: 10-8 F: 10-5 Sat. and Sun. 12-6
Understanding Citations Citations indicate where the idea in an article came from so that everyone else can find the same information 27 C OLUM. J. A SIAN L. 129 (2014) Note: Table 13 in the Bluebook has abbreviations for journals and frequently used words in titles VolumeJournal Title1 st Page of article Year
Identifying Unknown Abbreviations Bluebook T1-T16, pp Bieber’s Dictionary of Legal Abbreviations In print Lexis Advance: Browse Sources – Search for Biebers Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
Method of Finding Secondary Sources Identify the abbreviation and source title Search CLIO for the SOURCE TITLE You can search for an article title on Clio as well. Verify (Worldcat, Periodical indexes, etc.) STOP! Come to the Reference Desk for help
Top Sources to Know Library Research Guides U.S. Government documents GPO official site: FDsys: Proquest Congressional – through Pegasus Bills, Statutes, U.S. serial Set, Congressional Record, CFR, Federal Register, etc. Treaties, U.N. documents UN Treaty collection – via Pegasus Access/UN – Index of UN documents – via Pegasus UN Official Document System (ODS)
Top Sources to Know CLIO ( From CLIO you can access everything!!!! Hein JSTOR Project Muse Web of Knowledge Pegasus ( Foreign Law Guide – via Great to help you determine what the statute compilations and reporters are called in other countries.
Top Sources to Know HeinOnline for primary and secondary sources All in.pdf format Law Review Articles Official Treaty sources US Reports Opinions of the US AG Statutes at Large Session Laws Congressional Documents AND SO MUCH MORE! Access through Pegasus (eresources)
Method of Finding Primary Sources FDSys (federal statutes and administrative rules, including legislative and administrative histories) ( (dockets) Westlaw (PDFs of their print reporters) Court websites for slip opinions (also from FDSys) The Bluebook (20 th ed) in Rule (d) suports “born digital:” “Archiving of Internet sources is encouraged, but only when a reliable archival tool is available. For citations to Internet sources, append the archive URL to the full citation in brackets:” Letter from Rose M. Oswald Poels, President/CEO, Wis. Bankers Ass’n, to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Sec’y, SEC (Sept. 17, 2013), 13/s pdf[ 13/s pdf You are all set to use (your journal has an account) Using Perma: Your editor may ask staffers to create their own accounts or you may all use one account; Once you know where you archive your documents, input a URL. downloads the material identified by that URL and gives back a new URL (a “ link”) identifying the archived version for the footnoted source. Use the perma link as shown in the example above.
Academic Commons Journals use academic commons to archive already published content. Free to access and deposit. All content is assigned a DOI persistent identifier.
Academic Commons Journals use academic commons to publish their journals and archive already published content. Journals use academic commons to publish their journals and archive already published content. Free to access and deposit. All content is assigned a DOI persistent identifier. contact person: Kerri O'Connell, Project Manager,