The site for upload apps has changed. This is what greeted the dev when they first visit the site :
This is the dashboard
You will get to this screen if you select submit a new app. There are a total of 5 steps
This is the bottom half of step 1
Step 2: getting the details of the description for the app
This is the bottom half of step 2
Step 3 : artwork and icons. The system checks the dimensions of the icons, so if you upload one that is incorrect, they will prompt u.
This is the bottom half of step 3
Error message when an incorrect pic dimension is uploaded.
Step 3: icons, screenshots and background art uploaded.
Step 4: specify the price in which the app will be for sale. World wide distribution is a click away. Trial supported is too.
This is the last step ! There is even a check box to auto publish once the app pass certification.
Finally, the dashboard shows that the submitted app is ready for certification.
If you are not in the Early Access List…you will see the old WP6.5 dashboard.