School Info App Advisory August 24, 2015
School Info App YES!! FBHS has a mobile app! If you have the app, raise your hand. Let’s check it out… =888 =888 When you get the app on your computer screen, you may need to hit “Ctrl” and use the scroll on your mouse to make the screen smaller to see the announcements on our app. You can click on the different announcements and then hit the “Back” icon to return to the home screen.
School Info App If you don’t have a smart phone, you can find all the app announcements online using these steps. ▫Google/search “School Info App” ▫Once at the site, select “Our Apps” ▫Select “United States” ▫Select “California” ▫Find Fort Bragg High School alphabetically and select the computer icon under our school’s name ▫Start investigating!!
From a Smart Phone or Tablet… You can download the app for FREE. From your phone or tablet, you can select the three lines in the upper right hand corner and investigate the menus. Under SETTINGS you can choose “My Alerts” and select the groups from whom you’d like to receive notifications. Keep your phone on silent. Many times the school sends notifications during the school day.
What does this App do for me? Notifications are posted every week. School news, athletic events, and reminders are posted through our school app on a regular basis. Tip Line: our school app has an anonymous tip line. If you want to report bullying or other illegal activity on campus, use the tip line to send Mr. Triplett and Mrs. Walker information.
How does the Tip Line work? In the upper right hand corner of the app you’ll see three lines. Touch that icon and a black strip will appear to the right of the screen. Under the “Tools” category you’ll see an envelope with the words “Tip Line” next to it. (Tips can only be sent using tablets and smart phones.) Select the Tip Line icon and you can type an anonymous message to Mr. Triplett and Mrs. Walker. Any abuse of the Tip Line is strictly prohibited. The School Info App administrators have the ability to trace inappropriate users of the Tip Line.
School Info App If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to your advisory teacher, Mrs. Walker or Mr. Triplett. We’re all here to help make your time at FBHS meaningful. School Info App supports the FBHS mantra… Be respectful. Be prepared. Work hard! Have a great school year and… GO TIMBERWOLVES!!