UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 Part IV : General description of steps taken or envisaged to implement the Convention Dr Isabelle NIANG-DIOP CGE member University Cheikh Anta Diop (Dakar)
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 The « new » guidelines (doc FCCC/SBI/2002/L26/Add.1) 26. NAI Parties « may provide information on programmes containing measures to mitigate climate change … and measures to facilitate adequate adaptation to CC, following the provisions in these guidelines » Refers to Article 4, paragraph 7 and as appropriate paragraphs 3 and 5 of the Convention
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 The « new » guidelines (doc FCCC/SBI/2002/L26/Add.1) 29. NAI Parties « should provide information on their vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change, and on adaptation measures being taken to meet their specific needs and concerns arising from these adverse effects »
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 CGE Findings Difficulties in applying the IPCC technical guidelines due to: suitability of methods and tools, lack of national capacities to apply them, lack of data, lack of institutional frameworks and financial resources Few information on extreme events and their relation to CC. Need for assistance for disaster preparedness Difficulties to dissociate impacts from CC and from climate variability
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 CGE Findings Limitations of climate change scenarios (spatial resolution problems) Insufficient consideration for socio-economic and environmental scenarios Lack of impacts models, especially for health, human settlements, terrestrial ecosystems, tourism Uncertainties (time frames)
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 CGE Findings New tools for integrated assessment, policy development and decision support Identification and evaluation of specific adaptation strategies not adequatly addressed by the guidelines; insufficient consideration of traditional adaptation options Limited assessment of adaptation options (lists of measures qualitatively assessed), no costing, prioritization
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 CGE Findings Adaptation options better addressed in limited sectors: agriculture, water ressources, coastal zones Integration of adaptation in long term planning Adaptation at a regional or sub-regional level Lack of data useful for V&A studies
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 CGE Findings Inadequate institutional arrangements Need for greater participation of different stakeholders Limited human resources capacity Need for specific training and support for national coordinators
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 New Guidelines : Reporting Indicate the scope of the V&A study (sectors, areas most vulnerable) Description of approaches, methodologies, tools used, including scenarios, and uncertainties Information on the vulnerability to the impacts of CC and their adaptation Information and evaluation of strategies and measures for adapting to CC Report on the use of policy frameworks (NAPAs) for developing and implementing adaptation strategies
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 CGE Recommendations doc FCCC/SBI/2001/15 Develop methods and tools for assessing climate and non-climate related changes in economic, social and environmental systems within time frames relevant for policy process Develop and enhance methods for identifying, characterizing, evaluating and prioritizing adaptation strategies
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 CGE Recommendations doc FCCC/SBI/2001/15 Develop new methods and tools to facilitate integrated V&A assessments compatible with the situation of non annex I countries Provide methodologies and models for impacts studies on human health, human settlements, terrestrial ecosystems and tourism
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 What’s new ? Data : state of implementation of decisions 14/CP2 and 5/CP5 Scenarios –Regional CC scenarios : see Precis, AIACC projects and IPCC TAR –Socio-economic scenarios: use of SRES (ipcc- ddc.cru.uea.ac.uk), UNDP project; –Extreme events : Tyndall Centre (WP6), CLIVAR
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 What’s new ? Impact models: health sector (WHO) Adaptation : Adaptation Policy Framework, NAPAs
UNFCCC Workshop on the use of the guidelines, Mauritius, 8-11 april 2003 Useful web sites ipcc-ddc.cru.uea.ac.uk