Meeting Agenda (1)Overview ( 概观 ) (2)Questions from previous week ( 上周遗留问题 ) (3)SEAS visit GT in November (11 月访问 GT) (4)GT visit SEAS in December (12 月访问 SEAS) (5)Optimization algorithm update ( 优化更新 ) (6)New Schedule Discussion ( 生成排程讨论 )
(1) Overview Previous Week and Current Week: – Questions from previous weeks. ( 上周遗留问题 ) –SEAS visit GT in November (11 月访问 GT) – GT visit SEAS in December ( 12 月访问 SEAS) – Optimization algorithm update. ( 优化更新 ) – Propose new schedule ( 新的排程 ) Tasks in Progress: –Training and optimization of multiple purchase orders. –Non-critical steps processing time adjustment.
(2) Previous week questions Neural network training for multiple purchase order. ( 讨论人工神经网路训练多订单情况 ) – Take summation of the different knowledge matrix. To include two additional processes (bench working and CNC milling) to schedule. ( 排程增 加非關鍵工序 : 钳和数铣. 設備 ( , )
(3) SEAS visit GT Date: Tentative 11/8- 11/17 SEAS Itinerary: MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 9:00 Campus Arrival and Set-up: Alex MATLAB Code Demonstration and Discussion: Manik Seminar (Robotics, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering) User Panel Show Case: Manik and Alex Rehersal for December Meeting: Manik and Alex 9:30 10:00 10:30 Introduction to Heuristic Algorithm: Manik and Alex 11:00 11:30 Lunch 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 Case Studies in IMS: Prior Successes and Current: Manik and Alex Research Center Visit (High-bay, PMRC) Defining Scope and Preparation for December Meeting: Manik Rajora and Alex Shih Development of VB code by SEAS 2:30 3:00 3:30 Continue MATLAB Code Discussion 4:00
(4) GT visit SEAS Date: Tentative 12/9- 12/10 Presentation content: – Three Scenarios Scenario 1: How does the algorithm create a new schedule in case of a machine breakdown. Scenario 2: How does the algorithm create a new schedule when additional purchase orders arrive on the shop floor. Scenario 3: Impact on the KPI due to the addition of another machine. Displaying machine utilization. Displaying delivery date.
(5) Optimization The algorithm has been updated so that if there is a machine breakdown in the middle of the month the algorithm will create a new schedule with the steps that were being processed having the highest priority.
(6) Propose New Schedule Refer to excel.